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Topic: «Possible performance bug (and solution) » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 5683
Albert Gomez
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 07/08/2018
Posted: 07/08/2018 21:50:26

I just installed Actual Multiple Monitors recently (great software by the way) and I've been having a performance issue that I've seen many others report, where dragging windows around is very laggy. I might have just found the cause of it and the solution. I noticed that when dragging windows around, a small tooltip would show at the mouse cursor with the window position and size. I disabled this from Window Settings > Default Settings > Startup (2 bottom checkboxes say "Display current window position while moving manually" and "Display current window  size while resizing manually") and I think that cleared it up. My windows can now be moved around just as smoothly as with Actual Multiple Monitors not running.

Hopefully, this helps other users, and maybe helps you investigate further on why simply displaying the window position/size impacts the performance  like this. I would recommend disabling these options by default for new users installing the software.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/09/2018 15:48:54
Hello, Albert

Thank you for your observation.

This is a known problem that in some cases enabling of these options can cause slowdowns while dragging or resizing a window. We'll try to fix it and will post in this topic when it's fixed.

Are you running the latest version of AMM 8.12.2?

What OS are you running (version, 32- or 64-bit)?

Could you provide your computer specifications?

What is the model of your graphics card and what is the version of video driver?

Best regards.
Albert Gomez
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 07/08/2018
Posted: 07/10/2018 07:13:59
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Hello, Albert

Thank you for your observation.

This is a known problem that in some cases enabling of these options can cause slowdowns while dragging or resizing a window. We'll try to fix it and will post in this topic when it's fixed.

Are you running the latest version of AMM 8.12.2?

What OS are you running (version, 32- or 64-bit)?

Could you provide your computer specifications?

What is the model of your graphics card and what is the version of video driver?

Best regards.

Awesome to hear!

I am on the latest version  8.12.2
Windows 10 64-bit
Intel i7 5820k
NVIDIA/EVGA GTX 1080Ti, driver 398.36

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