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Topic: «A window stick to all desktops no matter what I do » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 8712
Rodrigo Bordin
Posts: 4
Joined: 04/26/2017
Posted: 04/27/2017 07:30:37
I'm running Actual Window Manager 8.10.2, on an Windows 10 x64, 16gig mem.

I've got a dental clinic manager that I set to run on virtual desktop 2, together with Excel, using Desktop dividers. On the virtual desktop 1 I use google, etc..

What is happening is that my dental manager software starts on the correct desktop (2) and position, but when I change desktops, it stays there, on both desktops.

I'm using Classic version, only one monitor.

I tried all possible setups, and special features to turn this particular software only on one desktop, but, after it is run for the first time, it stays on all desktops.

I noticed that, when changing desktops, this software is always the one on focus. Even if I change desktops to one where the software wasn't supposed to be, the focus is on this sofware.

If I close it and reopen it, it goes to the specified desktop (2), but as soon as I change desktops, it appears on all of them.

If I use the window button that reapply settings.. It get's back to it's original desktop (2), but as soon as I change to desktop 1, it doesn't go away.

is there an option to automatically force it to reapply it's settings everytimeI change desktops?

I don't know if If I send the software to you you could make it work, because it's a paid software with keys set to each computer...

Thanks for reading!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/28/2017 15:37:06
Hello, Rodrigo

Unfortunately, not all programs work well with Actual Window Manager virtual desktops.

From what you describe, seems like there is no way to solve this problem by changing AWM settings.

What is the name of this dental clinic manager and is it available for downloading on internet, maybe as a demo version?

Does the issue depend on what mode of virtual desktops you use – Classic or Individual?

Best regards.
Rodrigo Bordin
Posts: 4
Joined: 04/26/2017
Posted: 04/29/2017 19:37:36
Hi! Thanks for the answer. Both types (classic or individual) the problem persists.

I'll try to find a demo version. Don't know if there's one available...

One more question... couldn't actual window manager integrate and maybe enhance the windows 10 own virtual desktops?

My dental software works normally in windows 10 virtual desktops, but then I don't have all the extra startup functionalities actual window manager provides.

I found a couple of virtual desktops enhancements for windows 10 own virtual desktops. Both not even close to what actual window manager does, but, if you're interested in taking a look, maybe they provide simple ideas on what to implement on the next version:

This one below adds a couple of tweaks in appearance

And this one below, by using command-line parameters allow creation of windows 10 virtual desktops and to send programs to initiate in each desktop...

Maybe a mix of these features in actual window manager would be great for win 10 users!

Thanks a lot!

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