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Topic: «Problems with window size and snapping , 1. windows are positioned slightly off 2. jerky unsnapping of windows » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 22792
David P
Posts: 94
Joined: 04/16/2012
Posted: 04/25/2017 14:44:28
Hi forum and support team,

I'd like to report two issues I am currently having with Actual Windows Manager.

First, it seems that recently, Actual Windows Manager has started to develop problems with respect to the exact positioning of certain windows, when the respective application is started.

I can't exactly tell which type of applications are most affected, or affected at all, but the problem seems to be present most of the time for example with PDF-XChange Editor and with Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager. At least with these applications, it happens all the time that the windows are positioned slightly off their startup target size and/or startup target position (according to the respective AWM Window Rule) when they are opened for the first time. With "slightly", I mean that some or all of these windows' borders are slightly off by like three pixels or something.

In these cases I then always have to choose "Reapply Settings" from the respective windows' title bar menu in order for the window in question to finally snap back into the Divider grid. I have already tried the AWM setting "Block Premature Appearance of Window" as well as the related AWM setting "Compatibility Mode", but with no avail.

The second issue that I am having has to do with the manual positioning of windows on different monitors. When Actual Windows Manager is not running, the moving and snapping of windows to the different monitors and monitors borders works absolutely smoothly. However, when Actual Windows Manager is running, and then I try and move a window to another monitor, it can happen (however it doesn't happen all the time) that the movement becomes jerky and feels as if hardware acceleration were suddenly switched off.

It seems that the issue has to do with the Tile Preview of the Desktop Divider grid. It feels as if the Tile Preview somehow would hinder hardware acceleration of the Windows desktop. The problem seems to be especially noticeable in the moment when a maximized window is unsnapped from the respective monitors' border. Maybe the native Windows 10 monitor border snapping somehow interferes with the Actual Windows Manager snapping. Can I somehow turn the native Windows snapping off and only use Actual Windows Manager snapping?

Thanks very much already for looking into these two issues.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/28/2017 14:06:23
Hello, David

What version of Actual Window Manager are you running?

There is a known problem with the "Align at startup" action – windows appear shifted to the right by approximately 3 pixels. Does your problem look the same?

Could you see whether this problem appears for Notepad windows the same way as it appears for PDF-XChange Editor and Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager.

In these cases I then always have to choose "Reapply Settings" from the respective windows' title bar menu in order for the window in question to finally snap back into the Divider grid.
Could you clarify, what action at startup this problem is associated with – "Align at startup" or "Put into Divider's tile"?

Please make sure that disabling of the option "Block Premature Appearance of Window" in the corresponding specific settings doesn't help. Let us know the results.

However, when Actual Windows Manager is running, and then I try and move a window to another monitor, it can happen (however it doesn't happen all the time) that the movement becomes jerky and feels as if hardware acceleration were suddenly switched off.
A short video of this problem would be very helpful. Could you shoot a small video if it's possible and send it to our email address

It seems that the issue has to do with the Tile Preview of the Desktop Divider grid.
Could you check whether it's so by disabling the Desktop Divider feature and trying to reproduce the problem?

The problem seems to be especially noticeable in the moment when a maximized window is unsnapped from the respective monitors' border.
Are you talking about the Aero Snap?

Can I somehow turn the native Windows snapping off and only use Actual Windows Manager snapping?
Yes, you need to go to Configuration module > Layout and Snap > Window Snapping > Disable the native Windows 7 Snap. Also the Actual Window Manager version of Aero Snap can be enabled on this settings page.

Best regards.
David P
Posts: 94
Joined: 04/16/2012
Posted: 11/04/2017 23:45:59
Hello Bogdan, and sorry for not coming back earlier on this.

I will try to answer your questions one by one.

First, with respect to the first problem (incorrect window alignment):

First of all, the described problems are still present with the latest AWM version 8.11.2.

>> In these cases I then always have to choose "Reapply Settings" fr om the respective windows' title bar menu in order for the window in question to finally snap back into the Divider grid.

> Could you clarify, what action at startup this problem is associated with – "Align at startup" or "Put into Divider's tile"?

I have set it to "Align at startup" like this

"Put into Divider's tile" actually would be even better and simpler, but I can't seem to find wh ere that option is?
[Btw, not sure why your forum's editor introduces blanks into some words like "fr om" and "wh ere" that can't be removed]

> Please make sure that disabling of the option "Block Premature Appearance of Window" in the corresponding specific settings doesn't help. Let us know the results.

Okay I had activated that option both for PDF-XChange Editor and Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager. I now have unchecked the option, and sure enough, the problem with the incorrect startup alignment seems to have disappeared! I will continue to report in case it should come back.

Now onto the second problem (jerky dragging and snapping of some windows)

>> However, when Actual Windows Manager is running, and then I try and move a window to another monitor, it can happen (however it doesn't happen all the time) that the movement becomes jerky and feels as if hardware acceleration were suddenly switched off.

> Could you shoot a small video if it's possible and send it to our email address

I'm not sure whether video recording will work properly on my 3x4K monitor setup. However, I just found out that for example dragging a WordPad window around (this is on Windows 10) is completely smooth at all times, including the snapping to monitors borders or to AWM desktop dividers. However, when dragging for example a Windows Explorer window, the dragging movement is jerky. It even happens that the Explorer window does not exactly follow the mouse but instead stutters, and the mouse ends up somewhere off the titlebar, while still dragging the window around, as can be seen from this screensho, which is taken while dragging an Explorer window (from the maximized state):

>> It seems that the issue has to do with the Tile Preview of the Desktop Divider grid.

> Could you check whether it's so by disabling the Desktop Divider feature and trying to reproduce the problem?

The issue remains the same when the Desktop Divider feature is completely disabled.

The problem becomes a little smaller when I disable all options in the "Layout and Snap -> Window Snapping" AWM settings screen. However, dragging a Windows Explorer window around remains still jerky as before. If I then re-enable only the "Classic" checkmark in the "Layout and Snap -> Window Snapping" settings, the problem becomes worse and the "mouse losing connection with the title bar" problem, as described above, comes up again while dragging the Explorer window. Only after pausing or quitting AWM, the snapping and dragging of an Explorer window becomes completely smooth!

>> The problem seems to be especially noticeable in the moment when a maximized window is unsnapped from the respective monitors' border.

> Are you talking about the Aero Snap?

I am not sure whether the aforementioned unsnapping is handled by Aero Snap or by AWM. However, as described above, the jerky movement for example of an Explorer window is largely independent of any of the settings at "Layout and Snap -> Window Snapping". Rather, the problem with the jerky dragging movement seems to come up as soon as AWM is running.

Thank you for further investigating this.

Best regards
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/06/2017 21:42:14
Hello, David

Could you name the exact number of your Windows build (type winver in the Search field of the Windows Start menu, press Enter. The Window containing the build number will appear).

Could you send us your AWM configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (Configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support)?

About the first problem:

Could you see whether this problem appears for Notepad windows the same way as it appears for PDF-XChange Editor and Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager?

"Put into Divider's tile" actually would be even better and simpler, but I can't seem to find wh ere that option is?
It resides here: particular Specific Settings > Startup section > Put into Divider tile action.

Btw, not sure why your forum's editor introduces blanks into some words like "fr om" and "wh ere" that can't be removed
This is made purposely, for protection from cyber-attacks.

About the second problem:

We need to see your configuration files.

The problem becomes a little smaller when I disable all options in the "Layout and Snap -> Window Snapping" AWM settings screen. However, dragging a Windows Explorer window around remains still jerky as before.
Is the "Group Explorer windows within tabbed containers" option enabled (Configuration module > Files and Folders > Tabbed Explorer > Group Explorer windows...)? Could you disable it and see whether the problem still persists?

I am not sure whether the aforementioned unsnapping is handled by Aero Snap or by AWM.
Aero Snap is a standard feature of Windows. For example, a window is maximized to a monitor, if you drag it by the title bar to the top border of the monitor. The standard Windows Aero Snap should work unless you disable it in AWM settings (Configuration module > Layout and Snap > Window Snapping > Disable the native Windows 7 Snap).

Best regards.

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