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Topic: «Actual Windows Manager v8.10 problems with Windows 10 x64 , Actual Windows Manager v8.10 problems with Windows 10 x64 » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 77556
Norman Smith
Posts: 8
Joined: 09/23/2012
Posted: 01/04/2017 11:22:19
I had to revert back to version 8.9.2 because v8.10 combines my taskbar buttons and I despise such behavior. Also, I am incapable of cascading windows in version 8.10. Actual Windows Manager (any recent version) also causes Mailbird to crash when it opens child windows. I have excluded it to workaround the behavior. Can you fix this issue as well?
Robert Engimann
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/05/2017
Posted: 01/05/2017 22:52:00
Norman Smith wrote:
I had to revert back to version 8.9.2 because v8.10 combines my taskbar buttons and I despise such behavior. Also, I am incapable of cascading windows in version 8.10. Actual Windows Manager (any recent version) also causes Mailbird to crash when it opens child windows. I have excluded it to workaround the behavior. Can you fix this issue as well?

I also noticed that the title buttons behave differently in 8.10:  I use Filebox Extender that puts an icon in the titlebar but with 8.10, the icon "disappears" for some programs (most notably EXPLORER.EXE.)  Reverted to 8.9.2 and the icon "reappears".  Did some limited testing moving the title buttons around (shifting them horizontally) and got the FBExender icon to reappear sporadically but not consistently enough to continue with 8.10  (note: I also use Win10/64bit Enterprise).
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/07/2017 03:02:56
Hello, gentlemen

Norman, what are your Actual Window Manager and Windows taskbar settings?

Do you mean the taskbar buttons are combined on Actual Window Manager taskbar? Do they appear as they should on the system taskbar?

Are the buttons always combined? Or only when the taskbar is full?

I am incapable of cascading windows
Are you talking about the "Cascade" item of the Actual Window Manager taskbar menu? What happens when you select Cascade? Do other items work?

Could you tell what version of Mailbird you're running and the exact step-by-step description of how to reproduce the issue with examples of child windows?

Robert, could you tell what version of Filebox Extender you're running?

Best regards.
Norman Smith
Posts: 8
Joined: 09/23/2012
Posted: 01/07/2017 05:18:54
I have Windows set to "Never" 'combine taskbar buttons'. I loathe combined taskbar buttons because it makes navigation difficult when I have multiple "File Explorer" windows open.
None of the System Taskbar settings of Actual Window Manager have any effect on the behavior and I normally use the default Actual Window Manager settings except for unticking the annoying "Recycle Bin" check-box.
I must exit (v8.10) Actual Window Manager for the combining of the System Taskbar buttons to cease. Likewise with cascading open windows if it's selected via the System Taskbar. I must exit Actual Window Manager to obtain normal behavior. Version 8.9.2 des not exhibit this poor behavior.
I was also unable to find any way to disable the taskbar customization of the System Toolbar altogether under "Multiple Monitors" > "Taskbar" in Actual Window Manager's configuration interface as I do not require Multiple Monitor support. I really do not want Actual Window Manager tweaking my System's Taskbar at all. I truly want to disable this annoying Actual Window Manager feature altogether. Why can't you make the app's confuguration behave more modular and allow disabling specific "modules"?

My Mailbird version is
If I go into it's settings interface and select "Accounts" > "Add" or "Identities" > "Add" a popup child window is thus spawned and Mailbird immediately crashes.

My AWM settings:
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Norman Smith
Posts: 8
Joined: 09/23/2012
Posted: 01/08/2017 02:34:42
Robert Engimann wrote:

I also noticed that the title buttons behave differently in 8.10:  I use Filebox Extender that puts an icon in the titlebar but with 8.10, the icon "disappears" for some programs (most notably EXPLORER.EXE.)  Reverted to 8.9.2 and the icon "reappears".  Did some limited testing moving the title buttons around (shifting them horizontally) and got the FBExender icon to reappear sporadically but not consistently enough to continue with 8.10  (note: I also use Win10/64bit Enterprise).

I had also loved to use that app but had  eventually found it problematic as well as it no longer possesses development support. Actual Windows Manager however does offer "Favorite Folders" & "Recent Folders" support in a window's menu bar.

I now use FlashFolder (FlashFolder_1_11_r274_beta_x64.msi). The "Official" version is problematic but links to the good beta version are here: FlashFolder Forum.

FlashFolder options dialog:

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Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/08/2017 05:34:08

I was unable to reproduce the problems with taskbar.

Are the taskbar buttons combined on the Actual Window Manager taskbars the same way as on the system taskbar?

Could you send us a screenshot of the system taskbar settings as well?

Could you send us your configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (Configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support). Please add a link to this topic to the email.

What happens when you select the Cascade item? Do other windows placement options work?

I was also unable to find any way to disable the taskbar customization of the System Toolbar altogether
Do you mean you'd like to see the single option that disables all the System Taskbar AWM options along with three existing System Taskbar separate options (Search, AD Switcher and Recycle Bin)?

About the problem with Mailbird: I'm able to reproduce the issue, but only if I enter incorrect information while adding new account and the corresponding window appears. Do you mean in your case the program crashes as soon as the "Add account" window appears?
Norman Smith
Posts: 8
Joined: 09/23/2012
Posted: 01/09/2017 07:30:04
I experience this issue on two separate PC's. My taskbar settings are as in this pic:

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I have now re-installed v8.10 and find that I was incorrect about cascading windows. It works but not for any "excluded" windows. I have not excluded 'File Manager' however. I would like my "System" Taskbar back via a disable feature tick-box.
File manager will not spawn separate windows no matter how I attempt to spawn them and I simply get a single tabbed window. This is the real issue causing the combined taskbar buttons. See pic:

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Mailbird crashes as soon as any child window is spawned before I can interact with the form.

I would like to disable multi-monitor support altogether with a single click.

Configuration email to support has now been sent from

Norman Smith
Posts: 8
Joined: 09/23/2012
Posted: 01/09/2017 07:56:55
I found the fix. I feel so incompetent now.  :o

The long-awaited and many times requested feature to group Windows Explorer
   windows into a single container window with tabs (where each tab corresponds
   to a certain folder) is added.

   The way it looks and works is similar to modern web browsers, like Google
   Chrome or Mozilla Firefox:

   - you can open a new tab by clicking the Plus button

   - you can drag tabs within a container window to change their order

   - you can drag a tab out of a container to create another container

   - you can close a tab by clicking its Close button or by middle click on its

   - you can close the entire container so all its tabs will also be closed

   Note: This feature binds Windows Explorer windows to be always placed into
   a container so there will be no "free" Explorer windows.

   You can enable/disable this feature in the "Files and Folders - Tabbed
   Explorer" panel.

Unticked the box and, et voila.
It's not a bug. It's a 'feature', lol :D
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/16/2017 13:03:48

I'm still unable to reproduce the problem with Mailbird the way it appears on your computer, even if I use your configuration files.

But we'll try to fix the issue in the form as it appears on our computers, most likely it's the same issue.

Best regards.
dr tc
Posts: 1
Joined: 05/03/2017
Posted: 05/03/2017 16:10:12
Hello on a surface pro tablet connected to external 1080 display, AWM incorrectly scales title buttons and window text in secondary display, whereas W10 creators is set for 200% scaling on HDPI surface display and 100% scaling on external 1080 display. Thus title buttons and title bar appear huge on external display plus tabbed/ stacked explorer menu items and location are truncated due to incorrect scaling. Is there a way to allow different scaling options in AWM or make it follow Windows scaling options per display?

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