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Topic: «[FIXED] Multi monitor taskbar not appearing at boot » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 43240
Corneliu GIURGIU
Posts: 71
Joined: 12/07/2010
Posted: 11/14/2016 16:53:39
Good morning,

I've restarted the laptop a few times during the weekend. The first 2 times the taskbars did not appear and I got an error report which I emailed to you. The third time it booted, the taskbars appeared and I didn't get the error report any longer.

For future references please find below the exception description below:

2016-11-14 11:21:52:952
Exception in thread 000004F0 of process ActualWindowManagerShellCenter64.exe
(Actual Window Manager version 8.10 beta 2):
EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 00007FFAA46A0481 in module 'KERNELBASE.dll'. Write of address 000000000040DD54
=> [00007FFAA46A0481] Unknown function at ReadStateContainerValue + $1991
[00007FFAA8168A4A] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $3A
=> [00007FFAA46A0481] Unknown function at ReadStateContainerValue + $1991

Kind regards
Corneliu GIURGIU
Posts: 71
Joined: 12/07/2010
Posted: 11/16/2016 22:11:36
BTW, with the beta version sometimes the start button would not work. When I press it or the Windows key, the button is highlighted for a short duration but the windows menu does not pop up. Not sure this is already known or if I should open a new issue.

Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/05/2016 21:03:03
The issue has been caused by an interference of our internal bug introduced in the version 8.9 and the HIPS subsystem of any F-Secure software product (and, probably, any other security software).

The bug is fixed, the fix will be available in the upcoming update 8.10.
Corneliu GIURGIU
Posts: 71
Joined: 12/07/2010
Posted: 12/08/2016 00:17:51

I can confirm that the issue was fixed in the test build that you provided. Looking forward to the general release :)

Thanks for your help and availability guys.

Kind regards
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/29/2017 17:53:16
Hello, Corneliu

Oh, and while at it, I'd like to bring another issue to your attention. I can no longer open the calendar by clicking on the associated systray area. As you can see in the image below, nothing happens when I click it, and after a few rapid clicks the "taskbars freeze".
I'm glad to notify you that this issue has been fixed in the latest version of Actual Multiple Monitors and our other products as well.

Best regards.

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