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Topic: «Returning from sleep » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6788
Timothy Grant
Posts: 28
Joined: 03/12/2016
Posted: 04/21/2016 19:32:34
When I first got my Surface Book, the sleep functionality did not work, this was mostly OK as my Surface Book is typically docked on my desk. However, over the last few days Microsoft looks to have beaten the sleep problem and the--more important for me--waking from sleep issues.

Now that my SB sleeps, I've discovered that AWM does not wake (or gets hung, or some combination of the above) I have to go into the Task Manager, kill and restart it. I then have to move all my windows back to the correct desktops.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/22/2016 15:40:26
Hello, Timothy

What version of AWM are you running?

Are you running Windows 10 x64 on the Surface Book, right?

I've discovered that AWM does not wake (or gets hung, or some combination of the above)
Could you clarify how it looks when AWM doesn't wake and when it gets hung and what's the difference between these?
Timothy Grant
Posts: 28
Joined: 03/12/2016
Posted: 04/22/2016 19:44:35
Hi Bogdan,

I'm running v8.8.

I am running Win 10 on the Surface Book.

I'm not completely sure what happens when coming back from sleep. My windows almost always appear on the wrong desktops and wrong monitors. I am no longer able to use my hotkeys to shift between virtual desktops. They appear to be completely non-functional. Typically the small "Virtual Desktop Name" text is stuck in the middle of both displays. I can open the configuration panel, but neither "Pause" or the "Exit" functions work.

I open the Task Manager. Kill the Actual Window Manager Processes and restart, and everything goes back to normal AWM sometimes even tries to move the windows back to the correct desktops/monitors.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/25/2016 14:05:59
Does the window arrangement change upon waking up from the sleep mode when AWM is not started?

The problem happens when the Surface Book is connected to the docking station, right?

Could you describe your monitor setup? What interfaces are you using to connect the monitors to the docking station (Mini DisplayPort, USB)?

Do other features of AWM work like title buttons, other hotkeys?

Does the problem happen when the Virtual Desktop feature is disabled?

Could you connect the Surface Book to the docking station and send us your configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool (Configuration module > Tools > Configuration > Send to Tech Support). Please add a link to this topic to the email.
Timothy Grant
Posts: 28
Joined: 03/12/2016
Posted: 04/25/2016 19:35:20
Hi Bogdan,

I'll do a test with AWM not running and see what happens.

Yes. This problem occurs when connected to the dock.

My monitor setup is MS Dock->MDP-to-HDMI (active connector)

I'll double-check

I will check.

Config files on the way.
Timothy Grant
Posts: 28
Joined: 03/12/2016
Posted: 04/25/2016 21:07:24
Just checked on the "other features" question and yes, other features do continue to work. I can move windows around the additional buttons in the title bar appear to continue to work.

One more bit about the Virtual Desktops. The desktop label gets frozen to the desktop. I've attached an image of that.

Timothy Grant
Posts: 28
Joined: 03/12/2016
Posted: 04/25/2016 22:42:32
I've been doing some reading, and I'm seeing reports of the windows being moved around happening to users NOT using AWM. So some of this is likely a Windows problem.

Now if you could find a way to move the windows to their appropriate locations after wake, you'd be solving a problem that MS hasn't solved yet!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/26/2016 12:02:53

But does the problem (when AWM gets hung) happen when the Virtual Desktop feature is disabled?

Now if you could find a way to move the windows to their appropriate locations after wake, you'd be solving a problem that MS hasn't solved yet
We'll consider it as a feature request.

For now, as workaround you can do the following: if you place your windows among the monitors via AWM settings (actions at startup), not manually, you can easily reapply the settings after waking up the Surface Pro, so that all open windows were placed to corresponding positions.
You can reapply the settings by using the Pause/Resume combination (either via AWM tray icon context menu items or via the corresponding hotkeys which should be enabled in the Configuration module first).
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/28/2016 12:38:27
Could you also when the problem happens next time (or you can make it happen purposely) create a dump file for the Actual Window Manager (32 bit) process.
When the problem happens, open the Task Manager, Processes tab, right click the Actual Window Manager (32 bit) process and select Create dump file in the context menu. After the file is created, the path to the file will be displayed. Send this file to our email: and please add a link to this topic to the email.
Timothy Grant
Posts: 28
Joined: 03/12/2016
Posted: 04/30/2016 03:30:36
Dump file sent

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