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Topic: «Ignore deactivation , fullscreen game bug » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2097
Stefan voit
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/05/2016
Posted: 01/05/2016 06:26:20
I just found this wonderful piece software, i`m still using the 30 day trial version, with a 90% chance to buy if this small bug can be solved..
I`m usually playing World of Warcraft and the only reason i looked into your program is that i ALWAYS play fullscreen. I know there is a windowed fullscreen option, but that screws up my brightness, so i don`t wanna use that..And your software is the only one i could find that will allow me to do just that...
The reason i`m writing you is that i found an annoying bug..
When i use Ignore deactivation, the mouse pointer starts jumping to the center screen position, for the duration of holding the mouse button down..then it jumps back to the original place..Since moving with the mouse and turning camera views is a major thing , especially in PvP mode, this is very anoying and makes the game unplayable...This will go away only by exiting the game, but the second i use Ignore , it will come back...
I looked around on forums, i heard this complaint from many other sources...Someone even posted that the 8.0.2 version didn`t have this bug, but when i tried, it was still there...
I`m using a 3 screen setup on a MSI HD6970 Lightning video card, windows 7 and AMM 8.6.2, your latest...
Please help...
Hoping you a positive result, yours, Stefan..
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/05/2016 20:00:41
Hello, Stefan.

This is a known problem, but we weren't able to start fixing this particular problem yet.

We'll inform you, when it's fixed.

Best regards.

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