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Topic: «[SOLVED] Need help just re-installed after upgrading to Windows 10 Pro » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2135
yuppi cide
Registered user
Posts: 14
Joined: 08/24/2015
Posted: 12/23/2015 12:10:41
First off, I forget how to get rid of the recycle bin down by the clock. I had it on both taskbars on both monitors. I got it to go away on one, but not my main monitor. Driving me crazy.

Second, monitor 2 is actually my main monitor. It's on the left. Monitor 1 is on the right. I can't move to the left onto monitor 2. How do I fix it? I have to move left to get on the other monitor, which is driving me crazy.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/23/2015 13:39:41
Hello, yuppi

The Recycle bin icon can be disabled in the taskbar context menu for our program taskbar and in Configuration module > Multiple Monitors > Taskbar > System taskbar section > Recycle bin option for the System taskbar.

About the second problem: reallocate the monitors in the standard Windows Screen Resolution settings window or in our program's Configuration module > Multiple Monitors > Monitors Layout and Settings section in accordance with your physical monitor location.

Best regards.
yuppi cide
Registered user
Posts: 14
Joined: 08/24/2015
Posted: 12/24/2015 07:51:10
Thanks a bunch.

I had went into that Multiple Monitor and it was empty.. it was because I was looking on the right hand side where it said Mirroring. I should have been looking at the left. Same goes for Taskbar Recycle Bin. I was looking on the right or elsewhere and it's on the left to find that setting.

Happy Holidays!

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