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Topic: «AWM 8.6.2 - Title Button - Shift Vert. , Vertical Title Space Too Small » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2861
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 11/27/2015 00:28:31
Windows 10 Pro, 64-Bit
Firefox 42.0

Gentlemen, I have a concern which has been driving me nuts for many months. It started when Mozilla changed the structure of their Title/Caption and Tabs within Firefox. My concern is when AWM has Title Buttons activated within a window, specifically the Firefox main window the AWM Title Buttons encroach into the Firefox Tabs. This creates nothing but problems as about 95% of the time when trying to click the Tab or Tab (Close X) button the AWM Title Button is clicked in error. It happens more than you would think.

There is an option: AWM -> Window Settings -> Actions Available Via Title Buttons -> Options -> Shift the buttons vertically N pixels.

This is nice, but it doesn't go far enough as the maximum value is "-10" pixels and I need at LEAST -15. There is a side problem as well, even with a "-10" pixel value the AWM Title Buttons icon mask goes into the window frame highlight area. It appears to me that the modification of the vertical height for the (Firefox) title/caption is *not* being adjusted the number of pixels for the AWM Title Button vertical height.

The screen capture below is with a "-10" pixels. You can see where the AWM Title Button mask is encroaching into the Firefox tab and how the AWM Title Buttons are being clipped at the top as the (Firefox) main application window title/caption isn't adjusted to accommodate the AWM Title Buttons.

Can this be corrected, enhanced and available in a soon to be released update?

What are your thoughts, concerns?


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/27/2015 19:02:20
Hello, Lars.

The placing of the title buttons on the screenshot is not really correct. I mean now when the tabs reaches the title buttons so that it is not enough place in the title bar to show the full list of enabled title buttons the buttons are getting hidden. When some buttons get hidden, the special Compact View button automatically appears on the left of remained buttons. So the title buttons should not overlap the tabs, but in some cases it happens (for firefox – when you restore the window from the minimized mode).

How are you able to place the title buttons this way?

Best regards.

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