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Topic: «Desktop icons order problem » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2330
Guy Anice
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Posts: 2
Joined: 09/28/2015
Posted: 09/28/2015 15:42:14
I’m using AWM 8.5.3 with Windows 10 64bit.
I’m having a problem with the ‘Save desktop icons order’ feature- When I stop or exit AWM, all icons from my 3 monitors are being transferred and mixed together without any order on monitor number 2 (my primary monitor). When I start AWM again- they are all going back to the correct monitor in the correct order. More annoying and frequent problem is that the exact same thing happens when AWM is running, and one of the desktops is being refreshed. In that case I need to click the ‘Restore desktop icons order’ to correct it.

len raphael
Registered user
Posts: 7
Joined: 09/18/2015
Posted: 09/29/2015 00:57:25
The desktop icon saving and restoring might be the only function of AWM that works fine with my Win 10 64bit setup.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 10/05/2015 13:26:10
Hello gentlemen,

Guy, Actual Taskbar decreases your workspace (as well as Windows Taskbar does) if you have the "On top" option enabled in Actual Taskbar context menu, which leads to automatically desktop icons reordering (desktop icons can't be located under taskbars):
User added an image

You could try to disable the "On top" option, or enable the "Auto-hide" option and check whether the behaviour persists or not.

Please also clarify what you mean by "one of the desktops is being refreshed" (right click -> refresh, F5, etc.).

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