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Topic: «Timeslips Sage conflict w AWM , Timeslips freezes with AWM latest ver » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 5018
len raphael
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Posted: 09/18/2015 11:25:56
Windows 10 64 bit, Timeslips (Sage) ver 2016, dual Asus identical monitors.

My first install of AWM, rebooted, then tried to run Timeslips. Timeslips opened but gave general address violation and hung. I rebooted, same thing.

Uninstalled AWM, Timeslips works normally without rebooting.

Only other application I've found incompatible with Timeslips with one particular setting within Teamviewer remote control app.  Similar error message.

Any reports of this or settings to change in AWM?

Len Raphael
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/21/2015 13:34:36
Hello Len,

Thanks for the post.

I was able to reproduce the issue with the "address violation" error message appearing with Actual Window Manager loaded as well as with Actual Window Manager unloaded.

Here is what I did: start Timeslips, go to Time and Expense, click Monthly Totals, click the Close title button, click No (here is where the error message appears).

Please check whether you are able to reproduce the error message appearing using the same steps with Actual Window Manager loaded and unloaded (Timeslips should be re-opened before each test).
len raphael
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Posted: 09/23/2015 13:30:07
With AWM uninstalled I couldn't get Sage Timeslips 2016 to crash no matter what I tried. But you might be testing on an earlier version of Timeslips because I don't have that exactly named choice you tried.  I tried a similar choice under Reports.  If you include a screenshot I can compare to what I tried.

But regardless, with AWM installed I can't get past the opening screen.

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/24/2015 15:33:23

I tried to reproduce the issue with the latest version of Sage Timeslips 2016 available from their site. Please specify which exactly version of Sage Timeslips 2016 you are running.
len raphael
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Posted: 09/28/2015 10:55:05
Latest ver of AWM no longer hangs up Timeslips in Windows 10, though the same Timeslips address violation error pops up initially.

1. Next, I opened CCH ProFx tax return software app. This runs ok under AWM before configuring anything in AWB, but when printing to screen, it takes hecka longer to display. In the upper right I see your icon menu fluttering rapidly.  Exit AWM, normal display speed.

2. Next I rebooted so AWM autostarted. I opened Adobe DC Pro. It defaulted to monitor 2 which is good. Went to delete a page and confirmation window popped up on monitor number 1.  I selected monitor nunber 2 using your icons.  Then I went to delete another pdf page. The confirmation window popped back up on monitor 1.

3. Next I tried to open Thompson Reuters Creative Solutions "Practice Management" application. Refused to open with a message about the operating system not configured or compatible. Very odd message.  Exited AWM, and app opened fine.


a. Can I exclude specific apps such as those in 1 and 3 above?

b. is the behavior in 2 for Adobe what you expect, so I won't be able to force all of it's windowns to open on a specific monitor? or am I missing a configuration step?

Len Raphael
Oakland, CA
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 10/05/2015 11:39:37

a. Yes, you are able to exclude a specific application here: Actual Window Manager -> Window Settings -> Exclusions. You are also able to exclude a whole directory (e.g. if you are trying to exclude Actual Window Manager):
User added an image

b. I don't know how your AWM's Window Settings are adjusted, so I can't tell whether the behaviour is expected or not. Please send us your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support) and attach a link to this thread and a screenshot of the confirmation window.

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