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Topic: «Windows minimize animation goes to wrong taskbar » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3554
Kevin Goodspeed
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Posted: 07/23/2015 21:00:36
I recently purchased AMM 8.4 and I'm trying it out at work.  I have two monitors with the AMM taskbar on both and the default windows taskbar has been replaced.  The left monitor has it's taskbar on the left side of the screen and the right monitor has the taskbar on the right side of the screen.  I noticed that when I minimize and maximize a window on my secondary monitor the animation goes towards my primary monitor and it's taskbar on the right.  I should also mention that the right side of the screen is where I last had the windows taskbar.

This is no big deal to me.  If there is no easy fix, I'll just turn the animation off following the instructions below.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 08/01/2015 13:11:20

Thank you for the report. Please specify the version (Vista/7/8/8.1/10) and edition (32-bit/64-bit) of your Windows.
Kevin Goodspeed
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Posted: 08/19/2015 00:42:55
Windows 7 64-bit
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/20/2015 15:54:53

I was unable to reproduce the issue with the latest 8.5 beta 2 version of Actual Multiple Monitors (download link - Could you check whether you are able to reproduce the problem with the 8.5 beta 2 version or not? If you will be able to reproduce the problem, please send us your configuration files (Actual Multiple Monitors -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support).
Kevin Goodspeed
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Posted: 08/27/2015 00:34:23
I installed AMM 8.5 beta 2 and re-enable the minimize and maximize animation and the animation still goes towards the right side of my right monitor (monitor #1) instead of the AMM taskbar the program is actually sitting on, which is the left side of my left monitor (monitor #2).

BTW, I could not send out the email generated by 'Send to Tech Support'.  Clicking the Send button in Outlook would give me the error message "Cannot send this item".  I tried changing the email format to Rich Text as suggested by the internet, but clicking on Rich Text wouldn't do anything.  It stayed as Plain Text.  So...I saved my configuration settings to my desktop using Tools->Configuration->Backup and then copied the subject and body over to a new email and attached the config files to that email.
Kevin Goodspeed
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Posted: 08/27/2015 22:31:58
My monitor numbers are actually switched now, but the problem is still the same.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/31/2015 12:03:24

Unfortunately, I'm still unable to reproduce the issue.

Could you send us ( a video of the problem and attach a list of running processes on your PC?

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