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Topic: «Full screen in each desktop divider window , How to get full screen mode in each window » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3685
Adam Döry
Posts: 1
Joined: 04/07/2015
Posted: 04/07/2015 16:58:14

Any ideas how to get the full screen mode for an RDP session when using "Desktop Divider" in Actual Multiple Monitors? I have a 40" 4K display with the resolution of 3840x2160. I would like to have 4 rdp fullscreen windows in each window. The problem is that when I chosse fullscreen mode it will show full screen on the complete display and not just in one of the divider windows. If I choose the smartsize function in the rdp client then it doesn't remove the frame leading to that a window is 1920x1080 + the frame which means that I can't fit 4 windows of 1920x1080 resolution on the display.

Any ideas?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 04/08/2015 15:43:59
Hello Adam,

Thanks for the post.

Unfortunately, there is no way to get it using Actual Multiple Monitors.

However, you could adjust this using Actual Window Manager ( Here is the instruction:
1. Create the 4x4 Desktop Divider's layout;
2. Create Specific Settings for each rdp (not fullscreen) window;
3. Enable the "Put into Divider tile" option on the "Startup" tab of these Specific Settings, enable the "Change standard window parts" option on the same tab and set "Border and title bar", "Resizeble frame" and "Title bar's icon and buttons" sub-options to "Remove".

Best regards.

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