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Topic: «Taskbar preview is getting pushed behind window preview » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 2044
Steve Kalide
Advanced user
Posts: 144
Joined: 03/29/2011
Posted: 02/18/2015 10:40:34
When hovering mouse cursor over a program's taskbar icon, after a second, the icon displays a miniature view of that program's open windows. When you then hover the mouse over one of the mini windows, it'll show you the full-size preview of the actual window.

The issue with this, however, is that when the full-size preview is shown (via DWM Aero), it appears on top of the taskbar preview, which precludes you from clicking any of the taskbar preview buttons like "Close" or "Send to monitor".

As a workaround, anytime I want to close a window by this method, I always have to keep the mouse steadily moving across the preview until I reach the X/Close button. Otherwise, as soon as the mouse pauses, it overlays the full-size preview and I can no longer see the X button to close it.

Win7/Win8.1 Pro (x64)
AWM 8.3b2
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/19/2015 10:45:15
Hello Steve,

Thanks for the post.

Could you send us your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support) and attach a screenshot of the issue (where a window preview overlays its taskbar preview)?

Best regards.

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