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Topic: «[FIXED] AWM and PhpED , AWM revents PhpED debugger running » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 16283
Charlie Markwick
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Joined: 11/25/2012
Posted: 05/19/2015 13:58:43
I think I'm due a refund for the period I am unable to use my two copies. I would be grateful if you could arrange a 50% refund on the fee I have paid for the two copies.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 05/28/2015 11:39:40
Hello Charlie,

The problem has been fixed in the current 8.4 version of Actual Window Manager (download link - ).

We can provide you a new registration code with an extended period for free updates. Please send us ( ) a message with a link to this post.

Best regards.
Charlie Markwick
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Posted: 05/28/2015 14:10:36
Thanks for this. I will download and check it now. Will be lovely to have AWM back on my desktops.
Charlie Markwick
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Posted: 05/28/2015 14:17:48
It's looking good. Thanks
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Posted: 10/03/2015 02:17:23
Looks like there is a regression on this bug with AWM 8.5.* (Windows 7 64bit) and PhpED 16.0 (build 16052, 64bit). After unloading AWM everything works as expected.

Previously i also had that issue with version prior to 8.4, but i didn't knew that AWM was causing the debugger not to connect, so i was very happy that 8.4 solved that.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 10/05/2015 17:02:24
Hello Krasen,

Thanks for the message.

Please specify which exactly version of Actual Window Manager you are running now. Were you able to reproduce the problem with all 8.5.x versions (8.5, 8.5.1, 8.5.2, 8.5.3)?
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Posted: 10/06/2015 00:51:19
Currently i am using 8.5.3 but for the sake of the test i tried all 8.5 versions and here are the results:

8.5   - Works all the time 10/10 tries successful
8.5.1 - Havn't found downloadable installation
8.5.2 - All tries have failed - 0/10 successful
8.5.3 - All tries have failed - 0/10 successful

I thought it might be something with my setup, so i decided to test this in clean virtual machine (Win7 64bit), but with fewer tries to start PhpEd debug session - 5 tries. Unfortunately the result was the same - only 8.5 works.

It's uncomfortable issue, but not that much, not when i already know what causes it, so i just exit AWM before starting PhpEd and then just starting it again which usually happens very rare throughout the day just because i need PhpEd always started.

Update: In version 8.6 the issue is still present.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/22/2015 15:54:11
Hello, krasen.

We were able to reproduce the issue with the latest versions of AWM (8.5.3 and 8.6), but, for us, it happens about a half of all tries.

We'll try to fix it anytime soon.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 11/21/2015 00:20:35

The issue fix has been restored in the just released version 8.6.1 - please check it out.
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Posted: 11/21/2015 00:39:36
Confirmed. The issue can be considered as resolved. Thank you! :)

I love using Actual Window Manager!!!

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