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Topic: «[CLOSED]Screen icon save position by default » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 4014
Tinybut Strong
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Posted: 11/15/2014 09:52:42
User added an image

How to set the option Save position above to enabled by default for all windows?

Tinybut Strong
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Posted: 11/15/2014 10:01:18
Oh, found. It is on Title Buttons default section.

Bad that it doesn't remember over app session, but should be due technical limitations.

Sorry for the unnecessary thread, but maybe it can help any other Google users with same question.
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Posted: 11/15/2014 10:27:04
Bad that it doesn't remember over app session, but should be due technical limitations.
What technical limitations could possibly exist?

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/17/2014 13:14:21
Gents, thank you for your posts!

@Tinybut Strong, can you give more details on the problem with app session?

Best regards!
Tinybut Strong
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Posted: 11/19/2014 03:18:03
Well, the on screen icon position is remembered while the app is running, after to restart app, position on minimize to screen is reseted (doesn't remember the position used in previous session) to position used by the last program. That's why I said "due technical limitations.".

Example, with save position enabled, open the Paint, toggle it to screen icon, move around, now close the app. Open notepad, same thing now, put in screen icon mode, move it to different position, close it. Now reopen the Paint and toggle to screen icon, the position will be the same from notepad in last session, not the one used by paint last time.

Hard to explain, hopes you guys get it.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/19/2014 14:36:37
Thank you for your reply, Tinybut Strong.

I opened Notepad++, right-clicked the AltMin title button, enabled the Save position option, then clicked Minimize to Screen. I moved the icon on some place(1) on my desktop. Then I closed Notepad++ and did the same with File Explorer, but moved the icon on the other place(2).

Then I closed File Explorer, opened Notepad++, again set it to Save position and clicked the Minimize to screen menu entry. It's screen icon appeared on the (1) place, even though the last program's icon was on the (2) place.

Is it the desired behavior or did you describe the desired behavior in the first paragraph of your last message?

Best regards.
Tinybut Strong
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Posted: 11/19/2014 21:20:18
I just described the current behavior on my end. I have the "save position" enabled in Default Setting, maybe this is occasioning this behavior.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/20/2014 13:36:45
Confirmed, this is just like you describe with Default Settings. The icon position is being saved for the entire Default Settings rule.

Would it be handy enough for you to create Specific Settings for each type of windows you want to save individual screen icon position for?

Thanks for posting!
Best regards.
Tinybut Strong
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Posted: 11/22/2014 17:25:53
To be honest, I don't use this feature too much, just noticed this behavior so reported here. Can't imagine someone adding a lot rules just to get this feature working better, this is exactly the reason why I said before "due technical limitations". But, it's fine for a small group of rules/apps.

So I guess we are done here, it has a limitation, but not a big issue, people can live with that or add each rule if they want individual position to be saved.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 12/01/2014 13:00:13
Thank you for your reply, Tinybut Strong!

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