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Topic: «How to RE-INSTALL the 8.1.x VERSION. , in 3 steps » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 15098
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 08/18/2014 20:18:55
Guys, if you are experiencing difficulties re-installing the 8.1.4 version of any Actual Tools program after uninstalling the 8.2 version, you should do the following:

For XP users:
1) Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Actual Tools\, proceed to the product folder and delete the Updates folder from there.
2) Start your 8.2 version and go to Options -> Check for Updates and disable checking for updates.
3) Uninstall the 8.2 version and install the version you need.

For 7/8/8.1/10 users:

1) Go to %ProgramData%\Actual Tools\, proceed to the product folder and delete the Updates folder from there (or download, unpack and execute this batch file instead).
2) Start your 8.2 version and go to Options -> Check for Updates and disable checking for updates.
3) Uninstall the 8.2 version and install the version you need.

The bug has been fixed in 8.2, but you still have to follow these steps to roll back to 8.1.x.
David Blaine Fullerton
Posts: 8
Joined: 08/20/2013
Posted: 08/19/2014 13:56:46
Those were the only instructions that fixed my problem.  You do have to do step #1 and delete that directory on Win7,
or you just keep having the Beta issue problem.

Thanks, David Fullerton
Posts: 50
Joined: 03/18/2014
Posted: 11/11/2014 16:58:30
I made some improvements to the batch file. Lines 1-24 can be replaced with:

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad "%programdata%\Actual Tools"') do rmdir /s /q "%atdir:"=%\%%a\Updates"

The uninstall can be started automatically:

if exist "%windir%\SysWOW64" set for64=" (x86)"
start "%programfiles%%for64:"=%\ActualWindowManager\unins000.exe"

The updates checkbox can be cleared automatically:

set config="%appdata%\Actual Tools\Actual Window Manager\UIPreferences.ini"
for /f %%i in ('type "%config%"^|find /v /c ""') do set "j=%%i"

<"!config!" (
 for /l %%i in (1 1 0) do set /p "="
  for /l %%i in (1 1 %j%) do (
    set "line="
    set /p "line="
    if "!line!x" == "x" ( echo.
   ) else (echo !line:"<CurrentPath>CheckForUpdatesOptions</CurrentPath>"=!)

del %config%
ren new_%config% %config%

The last snippet is still in progress; it needs either line breaks between nodes in UIPreferences.ini or another loop on the outside to iterate over the characters in a line.
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 12/01/2014 13:40:20
aph wrote:
The updates checkbox can be cleared automatically:
UIPreferences.ini does not contain any options.
It's only purpose is to preserve the latest visible page of the Configuration window, the size of the window etc.

If you need a way to disable auto-updates from the command line, here's how it can be done:
reg add "HKCU\Software\Actual Tools\Actual Window Manager" /v AutoUpdateEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

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