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Topic: «[SOLVED] Divider problem with 4th monitor , Divider problem with 4th monitor » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3279
Pat Lind
Registered user
Posts: 1
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 04/18/2014 19:45:32
Having trouble with divider, having 3 monitors in eyefinty and one extra usb monitor. When usb monitor is inactivated everything works nice, but when i add it things start to behave wrong.

As you can see in attached picture, i have usb monitor desktop under the main eyefinity desktop. When i click "Maximize to Desktop Divider title" the window gets centered and stretched over both usb and eyefinity desktop.

I try to different layouts to see a pattern of behavior but it seams it ignores it completely. Bug or missing some configuration options?

EDIT: Solved it, it seams to behave like this only when "Mouse->Actions->Maximize to Desktop Divider" set to "Right + Maximize button", if i config it different it works as it should, thanks for great software!


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