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Topic: «ignore deactivation » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 49856
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 04/18/2014 17:35:52
I happen to run into this program looking for a way to fix an issue I was having and after seeing a video on this program I thought it was a god send but when I download the demo the ignore deactivation function does not work with saints row iv it works when you first start the game but after that you loose all function. Is this a setting I screwed up or is it the game itself kind of makes me sad because I was all excited to buy the program. If that function would have worked it would have been the answer to my prayers. D:
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 04/23/2014 15:13:23
Hello, ac19189!

Thank you for your post.

We suggest you to try the Compatibility mode. To enable the Compatibility mode,
  • double-click the tray icon of your Actual Window Manager or Actual Multiple Monitors,
  • go to the Hotkeys panel (panels list in bottom-left corner of the Configuration window) -> Window -> Ignore deactivation.
  • Mark the Compatibility mode checkbox.
  • Apply your adjustments and start the game.
  • Enable the Ignore Deactivation mode with a hotkey and check if it works properly.
If it doesn't help, please provide us with following:
  • Which Actual Tools product you are using, its version,
  • your Windows version, its bitness and
  • Saints Row IV version, if possible.
Also please describe following:
1) the process you go through to enable Ignore Deactivation mode for Saints Row, step by step.
2) How exactly is Saints Row IV being deactivated (by which application, and which window or dialog etc.)
3) You wrote that Ignore Deactivation function worked properly when you first started the game. At what moment does the function stop working, and what happens then?

We will try to reproduce the problem for further investigation.

Best regards.
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 04/24/2014 02:05:49
Well I only have 6 days left on my trail so I hope we can get it working. :P If we can I will be buying it because then its useful to me.

Anyway I tried compatibility mode it didnt work. Also attempted to disable all other tools in the program as well.

Currently running 8.1.4 of AMM as for saints row iv I think its patch 2.1 or whatever is current at the moment.

I load steam and load up Saints row IV let it load and AMM works up until the logo screen pops up that shows the companies involved in the production of the game but I keep going load up my game all the way to fully loaded then I press ctrl i which is the hotkey.

And the game force closes and opens again and it just keeps doing this at no point does it not close my game. Atleast in compatibility mode without this on I dont think it closes. At no point does the feature work I have attempted to pause the game and move the mouse at that screen too because then you can see a curser. Only specs I can really tell you about SR4 is that it uses directx v10 or 11 depending on what your card can support. I think I am running 11 but I could be wrong.

Also running windows 7 64bit
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 04/29/2014 23:04:02
Dear ac19189,

an issue with Ignore Deactivation hotkey in Saints Row IV has been confirmed. We will try to fix it in further versions of our products.

However, you can use this feature right now by creating a Specific Settings rule for Saints Row. Make sure the game is started and here are the steps:

1. Go to Actual Multiple Monitors -> Window Settings -> Specific Settings.
2. Click this User added an image button.
3. Use Window Selector to fill Target Window options in order to associate the rule with Saints Row.
User added an image
4. Go to Startup tab.
5. Check the 'Ignore deactivation' checkbox.
6. Apply your settings.
User added an image

The feature will be activated at the game startup, so you don't have to press a hotkey anymore.

Please note that after a trial period has expired you are still able to use Actual Window Manager for 30 minutes per day.

Thank you for your post!
Best regards.
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 05/07/2014 06:28:01
While it didnt work at firs that did it and its working great consider me a new customer I am in the proc of buying a copy now! :) Wonderful program!

As a note I do have about 530 games on steam and I will be testing the games as I go along with working compatibility so you shall hear from me again. :) Keep up the amazing work!
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 05/07/2014 08:24:16
Don't know if I should start a new topic for other games I find having this issue or not but I just had the same issue with battlefield 2 I am going to apply the same fix mentioned above to see if it works. :) Also I know have a lic copy of AWM I thought some of the other features were useful so I just bit the bullet and got the whole suite :3

Edit: Oh good lord that was a horrible idea.... I lost all movement and keyboard functions for the game after I used the above fix. XDD I dont think this is going to work with battlefield 2... Man that sucked hard...
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 05/07/2014 17:04:41
Dear ac19189,

you can either start a new topic for each game or application you have ignore-deactivation issues on, or you can post everything here.

The problem with Battlefield 2 has been confirmed and we will try to fix it.

Thank you for your custom!
Best regards.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 05/12/2014 20:23:45
Dear ac19189,

we're glad to inform you that the issue with Saints Row has been fixed and the fix will be available in the  next update.

Thank you for your assistance!
Best regards.
Posts: 18
Joined: 04/18/2014
Posted: 07/23/2014 10:34:39
So just wondering this issue I am having is it simply the fact you need to make small changes to the coding to include a game in question or every game I report you need to run test and find out how the window is functioning and why it doesnt work with said program/game? Because I have a list of 556 games on steam and as I said before I can go through it and report the ones that dont work out of the box but I dont want to make a load of work for you guys for games most people wont even bother to play like for example 100% orange juice most people havent played it much less know what it is.

I was wondering so I could know which games to test on like major releases or minor ones too.

Edit: I may be able to save you time if you tell me what information you might need seeing as I would be testing the games in question.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 07/23/2014 14:04:13
Thank you for your message, ac19189!

You are right, we have to at least test each game several times to fix any issue. Please report the games, you actually need to use ignore deactivation with and it doesn't work properly. We'll try to do our best.

Upd: usually we need to know the name of the game, its version, your OS and its bitness, and the behavior of the game and your system when you are trying to use ignore deactivation.

We appreciate your intention to help!

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