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Topic: «Mouse Window Management Interference » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 13952
Posts: 4
Joined: 01/21/2013
Posted: 01/21/2013 09:01:33
For some reason, ActualMultipleMonitors is interfering with AltDrag. I know AMM has some of the features AltDrag does, but I personally prefer AltDrag for moving/resizing.

The problem occurs when I try to resize or move windows windows, even with mouse actions disabled in AMM. For Chrome, Skype, sometimes Explorer, and some other windows, when I move or resize any window it simply snaps back to it's original size and position. I don't know why it does this, and I assumed before that it was a problem with AltDrag, but surely enough completely closing AMM fixed the issues I was having.

I'm not sure why AMM holds these windows, but surely there should be an option to disable this, or it is some sort of bug.

Any help would be appreciated.

Windows 7 x64
Actual Multiple Monitors 5.0.2
AltDrag 1.0b1
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/22/2013 00:00:28
Hello ActualDude.

I was unable to reproduce the issue.

Send us the Configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool.

Also send the configuration of AltDrag (.ini file or txt file).

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/01/2013 01:17:28
Hello ActualDude.

I was unable to reproduce the issue using your configurations.

Do you always experience the problem when trying to resize or replace the windows of the listed programs with AltDrag?

Best regards.
Posts: 4
Joined: 01/21/2013
Posted: 02/11/2013 11:20:36
Sorry for the late reply. The error only occurs when running both AltDrag and AMM. I don't experience any issues when running AltDrag on it's own. I will record a video now to show you the issue.

Sorry, it's kind of big, I tried a few different encoders and they all made them bigger than this.
AltDragAMM.avi (501.9 MB)!oQt2EIBT!VewXoRCYi0C9npjCIWPHVjx5CDFwQTB5_PQxXWnrUfw
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/12/2013 02:06:21
I have watched the video.

What theme do you have in your system?
Posts: 4
Joined: 01/21/2013
Posted: 02/12/2013 11:00:12
The theme is called Simplify Slim.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 02/12/2013 23:35:29
Are you able to change this theme by simple switching to other theme in the Windows settings?

Could you check whether the problem occurs with the standard themes (Aero, Aero-basic)?

Best regards.
Posts: 4
Joined: 01/21/2013
Posted: 02/28/2013 16:10:38
It's not theme related, I've tried in Aero [+Basic], classic, and a few other themes (I change themes too often... >_>)

Sorry about the late reply, the thread reply email got lost in my spam for some reason.
Posts: 11
Joined: 11/25/2014
Posted: 01/13/2015 20:42:18
I'm experiencing the exact same issue when running AltDrag.

I've managed to isolate it to AWM's Aero Snap.
When enabled, it causes the AltDrag'd window to jump back to it's original position.
Disabling it solves the problem... but the AWM Aero Snap feature is great! (Enabling or disabling the native Windows 7 Snap doesn't seem to affect it.)

Is there any chance of getting fix for this?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/14/2015 15:26:26
Hello Display,

Thanks for the message.

I was unable to reproduce the problem with the "Disable the native Windows 7 Snap" option enabled (Actual Window Manager -> Options -> Window Snapping -> Disable the native Windows 7 Snap).

If you are able to reproduce the problem with the option enabled, please specify your OS (version, 32 or 64-bit), versions of AltDrag and Actual Window Manager, provide screenshots of all AltDrag's settings and a screenshot of the "Actual Window Manager -> Options -> Window Snapping" pane.

Could you also specify what exactly action (snap, move or resize) doesn't work in AltDrag with Actual Window Manager loaded?

Best regards.

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