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Topic: «Docked Directory Opus toolbar disappears , Compatibility issue with DOpus toolbars and some monitor layouts » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 34418
Kevin Reilly
Posts: 14
Joined: 01/20/2013
Posted: 01/20/2013 15:30:28
This is an odd one. For the past six months I've been running AMM with two monitors side-by-side, the primary to the left. I've also had a Directory Opus toolbar docked on top of the Windows 7 taskbar at the bottom of the primary monitor.

This weekend I decided to rearrange things and put the secondary monitor above the primary. As soon as I tell Windows about the new layout, either through Windows' Screen Resolution dialog or through AMM's Monitor Layout And Settings, the Opus toolbar disappears.

If I kill and reinstate the toolbar through DOpus' options, it stays intact until the next reboot or until I undock and re-dock it, at which point it disappears again. If I tell Windows or AMM that the monitors are side-by-side again, back comes the toolbar.

If I exit AMM, I can use Windows' Screen Resolution dialog to position the monitors vertically without losing the toolbar.

It took me ages to track this one down. I thought I was going crazy.

As it happens I've discovered I actually prefer the extended desktop to go from left to right even when the physical monitors are stacked vertically. It means I can continue to use Aero Snap to maximize windows on the primary without accidentally dragging them to the secondary, and because the secondary screen is smaller and the taskbars are aligned I can close windows on the primary by moving the mouse hard into the top-right corner without drifting onto the second screen. Remembering to move windows left and right to switch screens instead of up and down isn't too difficult since after six months that's what my muscle memory tends to do anyway.

Having made this disclaimer, though, there is clearly still a compatibility issue between AMM and Directory Opus with vertical monitor alignments. It would be nice if this could be addressed for the benefit of anyone else with a similar setup, or indeed for me if I ever change my mind about the side-to-side layout.

Windows 7 64bit SP1
Directory Opus
Actual Multiple Monitors 5.0.2
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/20/2013 23:25:53
Hello Kevin.

How can i add the Direct Opus toolbar?

Best regards.
Kevin Reilly
Posts: 14
Joined: 01/20/2013
Posted: 01/21/2013 03:19:09
How can i add the Direct Opus toolbar?

Right-click on an existing toolbar in an Opus Lister and choose Float, then left-drag the toolbar to the bottom of the screen to dock it.

Alternatively, in the Opus menu choose Settings | Customize Toolbars. On the Toolbars tab, choose an active toolbar (or tick to activate another) then on the right panel choose Floating Toolbar. When the toolbar detaches from the Lister, drag it to the bottom of the screen to dock it.


BTW a lot of English sentences have the word 'sel ect' followed by 'fr om'. Can't you figure out a more subtle way of avoiding SQL injection attacks on this forum? It took me ages to work out wh ere the extra spaces were coming fr om until I changed all my 'select's to 'choose's ;)
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/21/2013 23:27:16
Hello Kevin.

Are you able to reproduce the issue with all toolbars that can float?

I was unable to reproduce it with both Applications and Drives toolbars. The desktop icons are messed up, but the toolbar on its place.

Send us your configuration files using the Send to Tech Support tool?

Best regards.
Kevin Reilly
Posts: 14
Joined: 01/20/2013
Posted: 01/22/2013 01:40:41
I've just tried it with both my normal customised toolbar and the default Drives toolbar, and while neither disappeared instantly when changing monitor positions to vertical, both disappeared when I undocked and re-docked them. They came back immediately when the monitor positions were switched back to horizontal.

I suppose the graphics drivers could be a factor but alas I don't have a spare card (or the time if I did) to go swapping out graphics cards. For what it's worth the current card is an nVidia GeForce 9600 GSO 512 running driver version

I've clicked the Send To Tech Support button but didn't get any sort of feedback from the program so I'm not sure if it's gone anywhere. Is this normal? I have a manually saved copy if you need me to send that.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/23/2013 01:28:59
Hello Kevin.

Does it mean that toolbar disappears right after re-docking? How do you dock/undock the toolbars - by simple dragging?

What email client are you running?

Best regards.
Kevin Reilly
Posts: 14
Joined: 01/20/2013
Posted: 01/23/2013 17:13:04
Does it mean that toolbar disappears right after re-docking? How do you dock/undock the toolbars - by simple dragging?
Yes, drag and drop. I've put a short video up here to demonstrate the issue. Apologies for the quality but it's the best I could do with what I had to hand.

What email client are you running?
Mozilla Thunderbird 17.0.2
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/23/2013 22:46:42
I'm still unable to reproduce the issue.

Have you manually saved the configuration files via the dialog after clicking the Send to Tech Support or via the Backup button?

Could you send it to us manually to

Best regards.
Kevin Reilly
Posts: 14
Joined: 01/20/2013
Posted: 01/24/2013 02:13:32
Have you manually saved the configuration files via the dialog after clicking the Send to Tech Support or via the Backup button?
Via the Backup button. I have sent a copy of the zip file to the e-mail address above.

BTW I get this error whenever I create a backup using the Backup button, even though the resulting zip file itself seems perfectly intact:

User added an image

I don't know if this is related to the failure of the Send To Tech Support button.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/24/2013 03:38:57
The error on creating backup is a known issue and have the same cause, as the issue with not working button Send to Tech Support - you need to enable the Show Classic Shell Start Menu temporarily, enter its settings, change some options and then disable Classic Shell and press the Apply.

I was unable to reproduce the issue with Directory Opus.

Could you send us Backup of the Directory Opus settings?

Best regards.

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