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Topic: «AMM hides data and file commands , Removal of AMM not effective - monitor disabled » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3565
Kieron Quinn
Posts: 1
Joined: 12/18/2012
Posted: 12/18/2012 11:29:54
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]I sent the email below yesterday and a follow-up today.

I have a HP laptop running Win 7, 64 bit.  I also have a Samsung HD Monitor attached.  I had been running the two monitors under the Win 7 Control Panel .  A week ago I downloaded AMM and used it for a few days.  As I used it some difficulties arose.  First, I couldn't seem to confine a program to one monitor.  If I downsized a spreadsheet for the laptop monitor and then entered a value the spreadsheet (actually, all of Excel) would expand so as to occupy the entirety of both screens.  I kept having to resize constantly.  

Yesterday it began altering the color scheme of the program when it was moved to the HD monitor.  Today, it began actually not showing the content of the spreadsheet.

I removed AMM from my computer (using your removal option) and restarted my system by first turning both the computer and the monitor off.  I then restarted the computer and turned on the monitor.  The problem remains.  

I am attaching two PDFs made from screen clips  showing, first, a small spreadsheet on my computer monitor and second, the same spreadsheet after moving it to the HD monitor.  The data is still there.  When I move the spreadsheet back to the laptop, the data reappears.  The green bar at the to of AMM 2 is part of the altered color scheme that happened also.  

Obviously, AMM didn't completely remove itself and I need assistance getting my configuration back.


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