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Topic: «Manage Window Settings button , Minor point about turning this off » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 7620
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 12/18/2006 07:53:05
Could I suggest the options to enable/disable this button gets moved to the 'all windows' rule area rather than general options? It took me a while to find it as I was expecting it to be in the same place as all the other global button settings.


Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/20/2006 09:40:27
David, why do you ask to move the button option only and don't care about the window menu option with the same sense? ;)

We think it's a global option which should affect the whole system without considering any rules so it should be left where it already is.
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 01/02/2007 10:44:48
I was suggesting to move it to the titlebuttons section of the 'all windows' rule, as its a title button that appears on all windows ;) The window menu option could be there too (in the Window Menu section, naturally), but I hadn't mentioned it as it hadn't caused me any difficultly in finding the option to turn it off yet (and thankfully now, it wont!). Putting them in here would give people the option of either having these settings apply to all windows, or selectively removing them from some windows - so for me, its a more natural place and more flexible.

I do think there's a difference between these 2 items, which affect the appearance of every window, and the other options such as Load at startup, which is more to do with options for controlling the AWM application.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/05/2007 10:50:05
We plan to significantly re-design the user interface in the next major update of Actual Tools; then we'll re-consider the meaning of some options and, possibly, change their placement so your opinion will be taken into account.

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