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Topic: «Huge bug , Difficult to track » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 13561
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/31/2012 01:53:14
Hello TabSel.

That's what i'm talking about, it seems to be impossible to install the demo without this little USB device.

Have you tried to exclude Vienna Pro and Cubase (or other program) totally? I mean with matching to executable file.

Best regards.
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Posted: 10/31/2012 01:59:25
Well, I bought AWM to use it on my multi monitor audio system. There's not much sense to exclude the apps then, is it?

I will try and report back, however this is no solution. I'll do anything to help here to get to a working solution, otherwise AWM became worthless all of a sudden to me, sorry to say :(
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Posted: 10/31/2012 02:13:00
ok, I tried to exclude the VEPro5 app completely, which did not help. And I can't exclude every app I use the VEPro5 plugin, that makes no sense...

however, I found out that pressing right <Alt Gr> switches back to normal beaviour after the issue arose... But please, this can't be a solution, please try anything to work this out.

I now had several issues like apps crashing, now this, with no apparent reason. Tracking down issues just to find out that it's AWM running silently in the background with me never thinking about it being the reason disturbs my working immensely and I consider to quit using AWM.

Please do anything to prevent me doing so, as I got used to so much other features already I implemented into my workflow!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/02/2012 02:26:31
Hello TabSel.

Exclude completely the VEPro5 and one of the programs in which you use it (Cubase for example) just to see whether it solves the problem.

Is using of Desktop Divider for these programs necessary for you? It's possible to implement the feature that can disable Desktop Divider for the certain Window.

Best regards.
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Posted: 11/02/2012 04:56:02
ok, I will try excluding VEPro5 and one app I use the plugin in, I'll report back.

I use several VST host applications where the VEPro5 Plugin is used with. Some of them run maximized to the desktop, some of them have dozens of dialogs I need to place on my desktop using the Desktop dividers, so yes, I need the Desktop Dividers in general. I already got used to it too much ;)

However, I might buy you such a eLC USB thingie, if it helps you track this bug down! I'll do anything to help you guys track these things down. I mean, these are considered bugs to me, which might affect other apps/users, too.

Please don't understand me wrong, but, as valuable as AWM already is to me, there are things that might get in my way of working which aren't acceptable long term. One of these things are such issues like crashing apps out of the blue, or sticky modifier-Keys. Things which are so hard to track down for the user, me, as I simply don't think about AWM being the cause of these issues. I can't accept working with apps and suddenly find myself tracking down issues for hours and hours just to find out that one of hundreds of flags within AWM caused the issue. I need AWM to run flawlessly. Without causing crashes, without being the root of some weird behaviour...

It's possible to implement the feature that can disable Desktop Divider for the certain Window .

This might come handy, yes, however I don't see this workaround as fixing the "sticky modifier-Key" issue. It's just another option to workaround a bug I might have tracked down after two days searching the cause of some unexplainable weirdness.

Please, bug fixing first?
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Posted: 11/02/2012 12:02:43
this is getting weird:

Whenever I create an Exclution and hit apply, the window should immediately be excluded, right? That's funny, because I tried excluding the VST Host application (in this case Reaper, 'cause it has a free evalution version for you) by creating the Exclution and mark only "program" (not window class etc...) and hit apply but it wasn't excluded...

Reapers windows got excluded first after restarting the application...

And VEPro can't be excluded at all. No matter what I try to identify the VEPro Windows, they always show the title bar icons. Even after logging off windows and logging in again. Believe me, I guess I know what I do, and I tried everything to exclude the window/app, I can't...

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Posted: 11/05/2012 08:22:46
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/06/2012 01:49:32
Hello TabSel.

Sounds strange. As for me, i can exclude reaper and it will be excluded right when i hit the apply button.

It seems that you have the specific settings for these programs (especially for VEPro). It's necessary to disable specific settings before excluding programs.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/09/2012 05:05:19
Hello TabSel.

We're supporting your intension to provide us with elicenser USB key, but I'm afraid the lifetime upgrade is everything that we can give you in return.

Please send us your Configuration Files using the "Send to Tech Support" tool.

Best regards.

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