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Topic: «2 rules for the same kind of windows , How does AWM choose the right rule if more then one rule match? » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6059
Andreas Killer
Posts: 3
Joined: 08/03/2012
Posted: 08/09/2012 07:11:12
I have a lot of windows, classes are "ProMainWin", titles starts with "production-rmc".

I have created a rule that adds the "Sendback-Button" for all windows which
 class is "ProMainWin"
 title is "production-rmc." as regular expression.
 programm is "\\hansrv-fs\proalpha\dlc102b\bin\prowin32.exe"
that works.

Some of that windows should have some special settings, e.g. different icon and title renamed. I have created a rule for a window which
 class is "ProMainWin"
 title is "production-rmc Favoriten" as exact match
 programm is "\\hansrv-fs\proalpha\dlc102b\bin\prowin32.exe"

And that rule clashes with the first one. The first rule match the "production-rmc Favoriten" window too, and I can see in the logging window of AWM that only the first rule is executed on that window .

When I remove the
 title is "production-rmc." as regular expression.
from the first rule and remove the
 class is "ProMainWin"
from the second rule, I can see that AWM choose the second rule for my "production-rmc Favoriten" window .

It took me a while to figure that out and now it works like I want, but I have 2 questions:

a.) How did AWM decides which rule should be used on a window if two rules match?

I tried the order in the "Specific Settings" section, but this seems not to have any affect!?

b.) Is it possible to create more then one rule for a window and AWM executes both for the same window?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/13/2012 02:05:37
Hello Andreas.

About the 1st question. Here you can find info about how our programs select a rule to apply.

About the 2nd. Yes, it's possible to create different rules for different windows or even instances of the same program, but the windows must have any differences at its title, class or executable file so that you could create the rule that will be applied to the right window.

What exactly application are you trying create the rules for?

Please send us your configuration files using the "Send to Tech Support" tool.

Best regards.

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