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Topic: «Some apps still crashing with AWM 7.0 , in this case Kore2 » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 6550
Advanced user
Posts: 157
Joined: 10/15/2011
Posted: 03/29/2012 00:02:33
I had crashing issues with some apps with AWM 6.x running. For example Native Instruments Maschine 1.7.2: When in options/plugins and starting a rescan of plugins, Maschine crashed with AWM running. It did NOT crash with AWM stopped...

This bug is fixed with AWM 7.x

However, Native Instruments Kore2 still crashes when in options/plugins and starting a rescan of the plugins, with AWM 7 running.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 04/03/2012 02:58:27
Hello TabSel,

The problem hasn't been fixed yet.

We'll try to fix this.

Best regards.
Advanced user
Posts: 157
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Posted: 07/12/2012 01:48:17
Problem still exists... :(
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4019
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 07/16/2012 01:27:02
Hello TabSel

The issue is recorded in our database, we just haven't reached it yet.

But thank you for informing us about the urgency of this problem.

Best regards.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1428
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 08/10/2012 08:47:10

Please try to add the Kore2 Rescan window to the Exclusions providing the Window Class, Window Caption and Program values. Use the following steps to retrieve these values:

1. Add an exclusion for the Kore .exe only.
2. Run AWM.
3. Enable logging of new windows.
4. Open the Log window and leave it visible somewhere.
5. Run Kore2 and start the rescan there (as it's now excluded from AWM processing it won't crash). Notice the entry in the Log window that will appear along with the Rescan window appearance.
6. Go to the Log window, right click the Rescan window entry and select the "Exclude this window" item in the context menu. This will create the exclusion with all three values filled automatically.
7. Go to the Exclusions list, delete or disable the exclusion created on step 1.

This should prevent the Kore2 application from crashing. Please let us know if this helps.

Thank you!
Advanced user
Posts: 157
Joined: 10/15/2011
Posted: 08/20/2012 03:55:24
yes, that worked, thanks.

However, it makes me kind of nervous, that AWM leads to apps crashing from "nowhere". Usually AWM runs without further notice, it's one of these things I install once, adapt to it, use it like it was part of the OS itself, otherwise forget about it. When an app crashes, I analyze everything arounf the app itself to find workarounds etc... I won't suspect AWM being the cause. The Kore2/Maschine crashes due to AWM running were merely found by accident, and this makes me kind of nervous...

I found another issue, which I don't know exactly why it's happening and which app causes it:

In Reaper for example, some dialog windows (the FX window, the Mixer etc...) have their Title Bar Caption destroyed, they only show the first char... When I stop AWM, close the window and reopen it, the Title Bar Caption is correct...
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4019
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/24/2012 00:23:37
Hello TabSel.

What do you mean saying "destroyed". Could you give me a screenshot describing this situation.

I can see that the window's native "stay always-on-top" button conflicts with the AWM title buttons.

Best regards.
Advanced user
Posts: 157
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Posted: 08/24/2012 07:20:23
with "destroyed", I mean that the Title Caption only displays the first letter...

When I close such a window, stop AWM, open the window again, the Title Caption shows the full text...

When I close the window again, start AWM again, open the window again, the Title Caption shows the full text, too...

I don't know what this can be, if it's related to AWM, but I guess so, because after closing such windows, stopping AWM and opening these windows again, everything is ok...
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4019
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/28/2012 06:04:40
Hello TabSel.

The problem has been confirmed, we'll try to fix it.

Best regards.
Advanced user
Posts: 157
Joined: 10/15/2011
Posted: 09/26/2012 00:56:35
Not fixed in the latest beta

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