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Topic: «Photoshop CS5 doesn't start , It works when Actual Window Manager isn't running » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 35975
Jan-Christoph Ihrens
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Posted: 03/27/2012 18:57:31

today I noticed that Photoshop CS5 (12.0.4 x64) only starts when I close Actual Window Manager 7.0 (except in very rare cases). The splash screen shows up, it says what is processed, including the complete collection of Nik plugins and the Nik Selective Tool, and just when the main window is about to be shown, Photoshop either just exits silently (the task disappears from the list in the Task Manager, too) or there's an error message telling me that Photoshop will be closed, without any reason given ("Photoshop doesn't work anymore"). Excluding Photoshop.exe in the AWM configuration isn't enough to prevent it from crashing, nor is stopping AWM via right-click on its icon in the system tray and klicking on "Stop". Once Photoshop is running, I can start AWM again without causing additional problems.

I'm not sure what exactly caused the problem - I never had any problems with Photoshop while AWM was running. But since I last used Photoshop on Wednesday, several things have changed on my system. The most significant thing is that I replaced the graphics card (old: Sapphire Toxic HD 4870, 512 MB; new: Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Edition OC, 1 GB) and with it the ATI Catalyst drivers (old: 12.1 or 12.2; new: 12.3). But I also updated several other programs; I'm not even sure if the replacement of the ATM 7 beta with the full version took place since then (although I think this was more than a week ago).

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on a system with 12 GB RAM (there should be plenty of physical RAM available) and a dual-monitor environment; Photoshop is starting on the primary screen.

Any ideas about this?

Thanks in advance!  :)


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 04/03/2012 03:36:50
Hello Jan-Christoph,

Thanks for the post.

I was unable to reproduce the problem.

Could you send me your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support)?

Best regards.
Jan-Christoph Ihrens
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Posts: 46
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Posted: 04/04/2012 20:37:15
Hello Vasiliy,

thank you very much for your reply.

I sent my configuration files to


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
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Posted: 04/09/2012 00:46:32
Hello Jan,

I can't find your configuration files.

Could you send them again?

Best regards.
Jan-Christoph Ihrens
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Posts: 46
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Posted: 04/09/2012 12:15:51
Hello Vasiliy,

thanks for your reply on Easter Sunday!  :)

Because of a little MAPI problem on my system I couldn't use the automatically generated mail. Instead, I attached the ZIP file to a mail with the subject "Photoshop problem with AWM 7", sent to on Thu, 5 Apr 2012 03:31:55 +0200.

If you can't find it, I'll send it again when I'm back home.


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Jan-Christoph Ihrens
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Posted: 04/11/2012 12:59:33
Okay, I just re-sent the mail with the same subject and to the same recipient.


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Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 04/13/2012 00:07:23
Hello Jan,

I was unable to reproduce this issue with both Photoshop CS5 12.0.4 (x32 and x64) using your configuration files on my Windows 7 x64 machine.

Could you install Actual Window Manager 7.1 beta 1 ( ) and check whether the problem still persists or not?

Best regards.
Jan-Christoph Ihrens
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Posts: 46
Joined: 11/21/2011
Posted: 04/13/2012 09:43:04
Hi Vasiliy,

thanks for your reply. Testing the beta is already on my list, I just didn't find the time for it, but it's one of the things I've planned for the weekend.

BTW: Your automated e-mail replies seem to be in Russian only. Could you add English texts to them so that people not being able to read Russian texts don't have to guess what it means?  ;)


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 04/18/2012 03:50:18
Hello Jan,

Thanks for the response.

I made some changes in delivery report messages.
Please, inform me if you will recive these messages in Russian again.

Best regards.
Jan-Christoph Ihrens
Registered user

Posts: 46
Joined: 11/21/2011
Posted: 04/18/2012 10:20:18
Hi Vasiliy,

thanks for changing the messages!

Regarding my Photoshop problem: It still exists in AWM 7.1 beta 1. It has become slightly better (even before installing the beta) - the first attempt to start Photoshop is often successful now, but if I close the program, wait some time and try to start it again, it crashes as before. There's definitely enough RAM available, and Photoshop has been closed correctly (it doesn't show up in the Task Manager) before I try to start it again.

It's very strange, though, that I seem to be the only one experiencing this issue...


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

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