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Topic: «New Nvidia 301.10 driver creates » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 65442
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 03/27/2012 16:57:15
With the new Nvidia 301.10 series drivers loaded, AWM 7.0 causes crashes when closing any window .  The faulting module from Nvidia is "NvSmartMax64.dll" and resides in "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display".  I have added both nvstartmaxapp.exe and nvstartmaxapp64.exe to the exclusions with no change.  If I stop AWM and open/close the same windows, no errors.

Any way to exclude the nvstartmax.dll and nvstartmax64.dll?  Or any idea how to get these two playing together would be nice.

Looks like the application actually allows you to isolate the TaskBar to the center window and prevents windows from maximizing across all desktops.


Also, if you need a set of these drivers to test on Nvidia, non-GTX680 cards, you can go to and grab the either the International or English INI files and drivers to install and test with any compatible series card.

Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 04/03/2012 01:18:23
Hello Chris,

Thanks for the post.

We'll investigate the problem.

Best regards.
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 05/18/2012 10:11:10
Any update on the issue?  Current beta has same problem still.  I've also tried newer Nvidia drivers with same issue.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/21/2012 01:24:50
Hello Chris.

I've replied to you in this thread some time ago.

Unfortunately, nothing has been changed since that time. We're still don't have a video card of recent series and unable to run nvsmartmaxapp.exe and nvsmartmaxapp64.exe, it seems to depend on graphic card. Maybe it is not enough to install these new drivers on any of the nvidia cards to reproduce the issue.

Best regards.
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 05/23/2012 15:13:51
I believe you have to have triple monitor (or at least 2), to run 2D surround.  If you only need 2 monitors to do 2D surround, then a single card would work, otherwise, you would need at least 2 cards of the old series, or a single GTX 680 and monitors that support DVI and at least one that support HDMI or DisplayPort.
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 05/23/2012 15:17:59
I would actually be more then willing to get one of the developers a remote connection to my PC through Join.Me.  I could show you exactly what happens and allow you to log the process and capture some more detailed screenshots of what is happening.  I can replicate this at work through Join.Me, so shouldn't be a problem to do.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/25/2012 00:54:52
Hello Chris.

We could join your conference at Join.Me in the next Monday or in other day of the next week. What time will be convenient for you to create the conference?

Best regards.
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 05/25/2012 10:51:27
Monday is our holiday, so I will probably be at work.  I'm in the EST (GMT -5) time zone, so I'm not sure how that correlates to you guys.  Later in the evening, 6pm EST would be best for me.  Would Tuesday work for you?  What time zone are you in?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 05/28/2012 01:31:21
We are in Krasnoyarsk, which is in the UTC+8 time zone. Tuesday is a working day. Our time advances your time on 13 hours, so our Wednesday morning is your Tuesday evening. I think it would be better to connect with you when it's morning in your time zone (for example 9a.m) thus it will be evening in our zone (10 p.m).

I'll specify the exact time when our developer will be able to connect with you. What is your working time? The problem is with your working computer, right?
Chris Miller
Posts: 249
Joined: 08/02/2011
Posted: 05/28/2012 09:42:31
Home gaming computer.  I work 8am-5pm EST.  I wouldn't even be at my home computer until around 6pm EST.

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