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Topic: «AMM "loses" apps in the taskbar » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 59377
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/04/2012 01:28:25
Hello gentlemen,

Could you check whether the problem still persists in the 6.8 beta 1 version of Actual Window Manager ( or not?

Best regards.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 01/06/2012 12:49:48
I'm afraid I have to join the crowd as well with this issue. At first I thought it was something that just occasionally happened, but now I know it has to do with AWM. I am experiencing this issue on my primary taskbar, using AWM 6.8 beta 1, on both Vista Ultimate 32-bit, as well as Vista Ultimate 64-bit. I have only observed this in Outlook 2007, usually when I have a couple of Outlook windows open, when writing an e-mail. The taskbar says I have 2 Outlook windows open (see attachment), but when I click ALT-TAB there are actually 3 windows (which is correct) (see 2nd attachment).

I have only noticed it on the primary taskbar, but I never move Outlook to the 2nd monitor, so I cannot say for sure it does not happen on the AWM taskbar. I just haven't seen it happening there yet. What may be noteworthy is that on my desktop (Vista Ultimate 64-bit) I only have one monitor. Also, on both systems the taskbar I am talking about is Windows' own taskbar.

After pausing AWM the button appeared on the taskbar again. It stayed there after restarting AWM. I have not yet been able to reproduce it, but it happened at least twice today. It has been happening for a couple of months already, apparently in various versions of AWM. I will keep my eyes (and brain!) open. I have a slight hunch that it might have to do with the option "Enable tray icons reordering" on the Multiple Monitors tab, which also works for the primary Windows taskbar. Next time I notice this issue I will test this by switching that option off.

Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 01/06/2012 12:50:31
The 2nd attachment.

Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 01/06/2012 13:04:54
Right after posting my previous message it happened again. A newly opened Outlook e-mail window did not show on the taskbar. I then switched off the option "Enable taskbar icons reordering", and then it reappeared on the taskbar. Unfortunately after that I could not reproduce it again, as any newly opened e-mail window did show on the taskbar. However, I am pretty sure that this is how I have noticed this bug in the past. I have Outlook open, my reminder window is also open and if I then open a new e-mail window it does not show in the taskbar.

I will keep my eyes and brain open for more information.

P.S. In the previous message I wrote "Enable tray icons reordering", but I meant "Enable taskbar icons reordering".
Ruben Bakker
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Posted: 01/09/2012 01:39:35
Problem still occurs win7-64, same situation, IE (on 2nd monitor) takes a while to load a page, after a while (when the page is finally loaded) the icon is gone. When pausing the missing icon is restored on 1st monitor. Starting leaves the icon there while the window is still positioned on the 2nd monitor.
In this case 2 IE windows were open.
==> oeps just saw that after a powercycle i was using version 3.4.2 going to do a uninstall first
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 01/09/2012 03:03:56
I have a slight hunch that it might have to do with the option "Enable tray icons reordering" on the Multiple Monitors tab
No, this is not the cause. I just had it happen again, and now I removed the checkmark for "Multi-monitor Task Switcher" just to see whether my observation of changing the "Enable taskbar buttons reordering" setting could be the cause. My reasoning was: if I change anything else in the configuration module, it might also bring back the lost window, and then the cause is not the "Enable taskbar buttons reordering" setting. Unfortunately that appears to be true. If anything is changed (and saved) in AWM's configuration, it will bring back the lost window. That probably does not help as much as when the cause could really be pinpointed to "Enable taskbar buttons reordering" setting, but hopefully it still helps.
Unfortunately, after this occurrence I was again not able to reproduce the issue  :(
Claire Green
Posts: 2
Joined: 01/09/2012
Posted: 01/09/2012 20:32:29
I've also got what I want to know. Thank you!

Internet Filter for Mac
Keylogger for Mac
Ruben Bakker
Posts: 8
Joined: 11/11/2011
Posted: 01/12/2012 06:58:41
No problems since 9-1-2012. Just noticed IE hanging for a while and then restarting. In previous versions the icon would sure be missing, now the icon is repositioned to right-hand side. So this works fine for me! :D
Installed version 6.8 beta 1 with all defaults.

What happens when this beta version expires?

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