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Topic: «[SOLVED] How exclude all a program's windows from AWR 4? , How does one exclude all of a program's windows from control by AWR 4? » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 9169
Murray Eisenberg
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Posts: 3
Joined: 05/16/2006
Posted: 05/16/2006 20:25:59
I recently upgraded to Actual Windows Rollup 4 and, contrary to what I at first thought, I am experiencing exactly the same conflict with Mathematica as I did with version 3: AWR is preventing use of copy-and-paste between Mathematica windows and is preventing execution of commands in Mathematica "HelpBrowser" window documents.  

But I cannot figure out how to exclude Mathematica from AWR control.  Yes, I know about adding an item to the Excluded Items list, but I cannot fathom from the documentation how to actually exclude AWR from still controling Mathematica windows.  There's no "Target Window" tab by which to select the windows to exclude; and merely browsing to the Mathematica .exe file and selecting that does not do anything.  I've tried checking or unchecking each of "Window class", "Window caption", and "program", but still no difference.

In desperation I'm about to completely uninstall AWR as being so damaging as to be useless.

Part of the problem may be the inadequacy of the documentation.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/17/2006 02:44:48

If would be nice if you provide me with the detailed description of your actions which are blocked by AWR. I have checked the copy-pasting between Mathematica 4.2 windows just now and this seems to be fine. Did I misunderstand you somehow? And what Help Browser commands do you talk?

Please explain what do you mean saying "how to actually exclude AWR from still controlling Mathematica windows". Most appropriate Help article in this case is "Principles of Operation -> How Actual Tools Program Selects a Proper Rule to Apply". Did you read it and, if you did, what was left uncleared? It contains the detailed step-by-step explanation of AWR window processing and, in particular, describes the conditions when window is left untouched. In short, you should disable the Specific Window rules created for Mathematica (if any) and create (or enable) the Excluded Window rule where you should provide the "Program" criterion value only ("Window class" and "Window caption" should be unchecked) to get ALL Mathematica windows excluded from AWR processing.
Murray Eisenberg
Registered user
Posts: 3
Joined: 05/16/2006
Posted: 05/23/2006 10:48:15
I did finally manage to exclude AWR from controlling Mathematica 5.2 windows, although I cannot recall how I finally managed to enter the exclusion.  (I think maybe it was unchecking "All Windows" first.)

The problem with having AWR control Mathematica 5.2 was this:  It blocks the following behaviors:  (1) evaluating a cell in a HelpBrowser window, and (2) using Ctrl-C Ctrl-V to first copy a selection within an input cell, or an entire input cell, in the HelpBrowser window and pasting it into an ordinary notebook window.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/30/2006 06:57:51
Murray, please excuse me but I still didn't get your point. I have tried to reproduce the blocks you described with my version of Mathematica (which is 4.2) but found nothing wrong. Maybe, you could create some screenshots depicting the problem and send them to the address in my signature. Also please send me your AWR configuration files: start the Configuration Module and select the "File" -> "Send Config" -> "Send to the Tech Support" menu item, then send the auto-create e-mail message. Sorry for such inconveniences and thanks for your cooperation.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/16/2006 06:58:31
The issue can be solved by creating an exclusion with the following values:

Name: Mathematica Help Browser
Window class: NoteDialog

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