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Topic: «Next Slide/Previous Slide Missing from Desktop right-click , Actual Multiple Monitors Problem » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 22487
Donald Reynolds
Posts: 11
Joined: 08/13/2010
Posted: 06/15/2011 14:17:45
I will try to reinstall, but I know I enabled the system tools support on both systems and it works on one but not the other.

The two systems are nearly identical, except one is a server at home with less group policy settings.

Another thing to note is that I am using Aero on both systems (both with nVidia graphics cards and latest drivers).

On the system that is not working... Aero themes work, but I cannot get Aero Glass/Preview/task switching to work any more.

It did work at one time, but I switched to a non-Aero theme because there were some incompatibilities with IE9 Beta (now fixed in the final release).
Donald Reynolds
Posts: 11
Joined: 08/13/2010
Posted: 06/15/2011 14:18:41
I will try to reinstall, but I know I enabled the system tools support on both systems and it works on one but not the other.

What I meant to say is that Next Slide works on one but not the other. The system tools support works on both.
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 07/05/2011 23:16:17

The bug you've encountered is hopefully fixed in AMM 3.3 beta 1.
We'd like you to confirm this. Could you please try to download and install it?
Donald Reynolds
Posts: 11
Joined: 08/13/2010
Posted: 07/06/2011 14:16:54
Yes that did it. I reinstalled, rebooted, and the Next Slide functionality is now present on the problem system.

Thanks for your help and taking the issue seriously. It is a great product and I recommend it to everyone using multiple monitors.

I know at least one other person who purchased it and upgraded once on my recommendation.

~ Don ~

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