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Topic: «ACTUAL WINDOW GUARD , Stealing Focus » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 5483
Kim Pennington
Registered user
Posts: 3
Joined: 03/06/2009
Posted: 04/29/2011 13:33:45
1. It turns out I am in day 75 of a 60 day trial. The truth is I installed it one day and shut it off the next spending most of that day undoing things the install did that I didn't specifically request (like finding windows off screen and minimized to nothing). I've done nothing with the remaining 73 days. I'd be interested in a repeat trial if you'd permit that, and (important) IF you can tell me how to install it so that it makes no changes I don't expressly and deliberately make. With that new start I'd make another attempt at a trial to see if this is something I can use.

2. I also have this question. I Have a personal management program (Information Organizer 6.0) that when it pops a calendar event window it always steals focus (with no built-in option to shut that off). Can your program stop or effectively override that type of behavior so that it pops its window without taking me away from where I am? Thanks in advance.

3. Do you offer educator/teacher discounts on your products?
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 05/03/2011 20:47:04
Hello Kim,

Thanks for the post.

1. I can't give you a repeat trial. But you could install a trial version of Actual Window Manager. It has all features that included in Actual Window Guard.

2. Unfortunately our software can't do it.

3. Yes, we have educational/academic discount(50%). You should send a scan copy of your teacher id card to to get this discount.

Best regards.

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