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Topic: «Can't pin second shortcut to taskbar , AWM 8.12 » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 12517
David Lomas
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Posted: 03/20/2018 17:31:44
I've created 2 shortcuts to Chrome, one of which passes the `--incognito` flag. I also changed the icon to match. But, I can't drag _both_ of these shortcuts to the AWM taskbar to pin them. The first one works fine, but then the second says '→ Move' instead of '↑ Pin to taskbar'. It doesn't matter which one I start with.

This is on a new PC, and I definitely had both these shortcuts on the old one. I _think_ I've set AWM up the same as before (loaded the config file from previous setup).

Can't figure out how to do it now—am I missing something obvious?
David Lomas
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Posted: 03/20/2018 17:38:35
Hmm. Looks like this is just a 'thing'. I don't remember duplicating the executable as described here.

Could AWM offer this functionality? Or can I get to where AWM stores the pinned icons and duplicate it manually there?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/23/2018 12:47:20
Hello, David

I can't drag _both_ of these shortcuts to the AWM taskbar to pin them.
Could AWM offer this functionality?

Unfortunately, AWM doesn't provide the ability to pin several shortcuts associated with the same .exe file.

Does the "New incognito window" jumplist item (see the attached screenshot) not suit your needs?

This is on a new PC, and I definitely had both these shortcuts on the old one.

Are you sure you were able to pin these shortcuts to AWM taskbar and not to the system taskbar?

What version of AWM you were running when you were able to do this?

What version of Windows you had on your previous PC and what do you have on your current PC?

Best regards.

David Lomas
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Posted: 03/23/2018 16:50:28
I don't see a screenshot in that post I'm afraid...

I definitely had both pinned, and I was on the same AWM (8.12, upgraded regularly from much earlier versions) and Windows 10 Pro 64bit. I don't recall exactly how I did it though, and it seems this is a windows 'feature'.

I fixed it by creating a shortcut to notepad.exe, changing its name and icon, pinning _that_ then editing the shortcut in
\Users\xyz\AppData\Roaming\Actual Tools\Actual Window Manager\PinnedLinks
to point to the right executable and pass the flag. So it clearly is possible to end up with the right configuration. It would be great if AWM would allow that directly, but if it's windows oddness getting in the way, then no worries. At least it only needs doing once :).
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/28/2018 16:58:56

I don't see a screenshot in that post I'm afraid
Apparently, something went wrong. I've fixed this, now the screenshot is displayed.

It would be great if AWM would allow that directly
I'm glad you were able to solve this problem, but it's unlikely that this ability is implemented in Actual Window Manager.

Best regards.
David Lomas
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Posted: 03/28/2018 17:17:21
I don't see that option from the pinned task–note I'm using AWMs taskbar, so maybe that's why?

In which case, it would seem even more useful if AWM would support it rather than having to hack round the issue. Why do you say it's unlikely to be implemented?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/28/2018 19:45:49

I don't see that option from the pinned task–note I'm using AWMs taskbar, so maybe that's why?
The items should be displayed on AWM taskbars as well as on system taskbar. What version of Chrome are you running?

Why do you say it's unlikely to be implemented?
There are only difficult ways to implement this, and this feature is requested very rarely. We don't think that many users need this feature constantly. More over, there is a way to do this manually, and it's not very difficult.

Best regards.
David Lomas
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Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 03/28/2018 19:54:05
From Chrome Help→About:
 Google Chrome is up to date
 Version 65.0.3325.181 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I don't get those Tasks on the system taskbar pinned items either, so maybe it's something I've configured or not there.

Anyway, I'm happy with my workaround. I'd say the manual solution is very non-intuitive, even if not that complicated in the end. Shame it's so difficult to do something simple :).

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