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Topic: «Actual Virtual Desktops Not Working with Windows Virtual Desktops , AVD merges open windows on different desktops to the currently active Windows 10 Desktop. » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 9867
Gary Rosner
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Posts: 26
Joined: 09/10/2016
Posted: 11/08/2017 03:27:02
Can you explain the expected operation when using Active Virtual Desktop with two or more WINDOWS 10 Virtual Desktops?

Here is what I am seeing that is confusing me:

1. I have 2 monitors
2. I create 3 "WINDOWS 10 virtual desktops"
3. I create 5 Actual Virtual Desktops on Monitor #2
4. On Windows Desktop #1, Monitor #2, Active Virtual Desktop #1, I park my Notepad window.
5. On Windows Desktop #2, Monitor #2, Active Virtual Desktop #1, I park my Outlook window.

Expected and Desired Beh * avior:
1. As expected, when I click on tiny Notepad icon in the switcher window, system switches me to Windows Desktop #1.
2. As expected, when I click on tiny Outlook icon in the switcher window, system switches me to Windows Desktop #2.

Weird and Unexpected Beh * avior:
1. As expected, when I click on tiny Notepad icon in the switcher window, system switches me to Windows Desktop #1  
2. As expected, when I click on the empty Active Virtual Desktop #2, nothing happens.
3. UNEXPECTEDLY, when I click on tiny Outlook icon in the switcher window, system DOES NOT swicth me to Windows Desktop #2. Instead, Outlook is opened and I remain on Windows Desktop #1. Outlook is mysteriously moved fr om my Windows Desktop #2 to my Windows Desktop #1. Why?

In short, it appears to me, that after clicking on an empty Actual Virtual Desktop, programs opened in different Windows 10 Desktops and placed into the same AVD, are mistakenly merged to the current Windows Virtual Desktop!!!

Is there a way for Actual Virtual Desktops to keep open windows on the correct Windows Desktop in which they were placed?

I know there are lots of moving parts above, so i'll summarize differently here:
When clicking on any icon inside an Actual Virtual Desktop switcher pane, AVD should switch to the WINDOWS desktop wh ere the the open window (program) was last placed.

Finally, I have uploaded a Youtube video demonstrating this seemingly abnormal behavior.
Here is the link:
(I will remove this video after I receive a response to this post.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/08/2017 17:27:40
Hello, Gary

In short, it appears to me, that after clicking on an empty Actual Virtual Desktop, programs opened in different Windows 10 Desktops and placed into the same AVD, are mistakenly merged to the current Windows Virtual Desktop!!!
This is a known problem of interaction between Actual Tools virtual desktops and Windows 10 native virtual desktops. For now desktops interact this way and there is no way to change it.

Most likely, we'll try to do anything about it, but for now we haven't decided how the desktops should interact considering the existing limitations.

We'll post in this topic when the new way of interaction between virtual desktops is implemented.

Best regards.
Gary Rosner
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Posts: 26
Joined: 09/10/2016
Posted: 11/08/2017 21:47:32
From my own workflow standpoint, it would be useful if the native Window Desktops and the Actual Virtual Desktops interacted as described in my wishlist below.


1. Allow user to sel ect the default Native Windows Desktop on which to create the Actual Virtual Desktops.
    In Virtual Desktops Options, under each display monitor, show multiple selectable displays representing the different native windows virtual desktops. This enables the ability to have Actual Virtual Desktops on a per display (monitor) basis!

2. Add AVD configuration checkbox to Show Switcher on Multiple Native Window Virtual Desktops (Disable by default).
    A. When this checkbox is disabled, only show the switcher window on the Native Windows Virtual Desktop on the Native Windows Desktop it was initially defined on.
    B. When this checkbox is enabled, show a group of additional check boxes, one for each Windows Native Virtual Desktop to display the switcher on.
      a. Allow the user to select the Native Windows Desktops on which to show the AVD switcher.
      b. In the AVD Switcher panes show (optionally?) a merged view of all tiny icons fr om all native windows desktops.
      b. Continue to allow user to hide or show switcher

2. AVD Switcher beh * avior: Whenever a tiny icon in the switcher pane is clicked, before displaying the associated window, first switch to the Windows native Virtual Desktop on which the icon's associated window was last placed. If user clicks on pane, then switch to the AVD but stay in the same native windows desktop.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need further clarifications or if anyone else has any suggestions for improvements on my wishlist!
Gary Rosner
Registered user
Posts: 26
Joined: 09/10/2016
Posted: 11/14/2017 02:08:55
Finally, I have uploaded a Youtube video demonstrating this seemingly abnormal behavior.
Here is the link:
I have updated this video with annotations.
The annotations demonstrate how AVD will unexpectedly move windows from one Native Windows Virtual Desktop to another.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/14/2017 15:33:46

I have updated this video with annotations.
This is a known problem, I wrote about it in my previous message in this topic.

From my own workflow standpoint, it would be useful if the native Window Desktops and the Actual Virtual Desktops interacted as described in my wishlist below.
Thank you, we'll consider your suggestions when it's time to decide how the virtual desktops should interact.

Best regards.

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