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Topic: «Actual Window Manager 7.3 - error display window » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 3533
Netgrafik Netgrafik
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Joined: 11/28/2012
Posted: 11/28/2012 06:50:14
1.The new version of Actual Window Manager 7.3 . When you open the box - error display.

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2. No icons displayed after clicking on the program icon in the taskbar.

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The program is installed on a clean Windows 8 Pro.


My system - Windows 8 Pro / x86, 2GB Ram, 256 MB graphics card.
In Windows 7 Ultimate / x86 software is working correctly.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 11/29/2012 01:03:20
Hello Netgrafik Netgrafik.

1. This is known bug, it is caused by the Resize and Align features on start up with the "Block premature appearance of window" option enabled. For now the only way to get rid of it -disable this option or disable feature like Resize and Align on start up.

2. I was unable to reproduce it. What theme are you using? What size of text and other items are you using (100%, 125%, 150%)?

Best regards.
Netgrafik Netgrafik
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Posted: 11/29/2012 06:51:37
Hello Bogdan

1. After changing the parameters of the program works correctly.

2. Theme: default skin
  Size of text: default
  Other items: 100 %

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4038
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/25/2012 02:57:25
Hello Netgrafik.

Seems that you have some non-default theme (similar to one of Basic and High contrast themes).

Could you specify what exactly theme you have enabled and send us a screen shot of the personalization window?

Also you can change the theme to one of Windows Default Themes and check whether the issue occurs.

Best regards.

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