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Topic: «Can't upgrade without providing a phone number? » on forum: General   Views: 19181
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/01/2014 06:04:43
Installed the latest build, and of course it installed without first warning me that I could not use the new version without paying.

OK, so you got me.

I try to upgrade, and my Discover card is declined. Twice. Not because it's not valid, but because apparently Discover does not trust the transaction.

So I try my Visa. Declined also, for the same reason.

I approve the Discover charge and retry it. Still doesn't work.

I call my Visa issuer back. Nothing.

I pay via PayPal. Or so I thought. It seemed to go through, but now I'm being told by PayPro that I have to provide a phone number, and wait for their call, to have the order processed.

This is not going to happen.

Can I pay with blood money? Animal pelts? Anything?
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/01/2014 06:15:19

Thank you for your request.

In an effort to make online shopping safer, in some cases we call our customers to
verify the details of their orders. This is necessary to protect you from possible
fraudulent transactions.

Please provide us with a reachable number in order to call you and verify the
order on the phone.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Privacy policy:

Best regards,
Vladislav R. Ni | Risk Analyst
Risk Assessment Department
PayPro Global
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/01/2014 06:16:51
This does not make sense. Why would I need to receive a phone call to verify a PayPal-transacted AWM license upgrade? I get annoyance phone calls constantly on my cell phone, which is the only phone I have. I will not give this payment processor (PayPro) my phone number.

Actual Tools privacy statement:

The personally identifiable information we request from you, includes the following: first name, last name, e-mail address. When you place a purchase order, you should also provide your postal address and credit card number.
^ Nothing about a phone number.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 11/02/2014 15:37:45
Hi Scott,

I do not claim to know the answer, but from other discussions I know that the requirement to provide a phone number is a requirement by the payment processor, not the software seller. They need a phone number to be able to check that the charge is not fraudulent. Maybe Actual Tools can shed some more light on this matter. I regularly buy software on BitsDuJour and there the same question has always been answered by many software publishers with the same answer that they cannot do anything about it, because it is a requirement from the payment processor.

Best regards.
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/02/2014 21:36:39
Thanks. I wasn't claiming it was Actual Tools; I know it's PayPro. But it's ridiculous. If anyone actually cared about my privacy and security, I wouldn't have had my credit card numbers stolen countless times, and I would not have had to change email addresses so many times, including the unique one I used to use here in fact.

I tried paying via PayPal, using the same email address for PayPal as I am registering with. I responded to PayPro's emails at that very same email address. I also provided my name and physical address (which I hated doing also), but that can be verified easily. Let PayPal and me worry about my privacy and security for crying out loud.
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/04/2014 06:22:27
I tried again, and supplied my work mobile number, which I am not supposed to do. So, they called me, and the transaction was completed, right? Wrong.

This time, I got the following response:

Thank you for your recent purchase of Actual Window Manager. Unfortunately we were not able to process your order for the following reason:

To complete your order, please email us a scan copy of your picture ID and scan copy of your credit card attached to your PayPal(all numbers should be covered except the last 4 digits). You can use your cell phone's camera and photo camera to take these pictures too.

Alternatively, please repurchase and sel ect wire transfer payment method.
I wasn't even paying with a credit card--I was using my PayPal balance.

So, I emailed a photo of my driver license and the credit card (even though the credit card has nothing to do with this transaction). I blacked out all numbers on the credit card except for the last 4 digits of the credit card number, because that's what they said to do!

And then I got this response:

In order to complete your purchase, please provide us with the following information:

1. The scan copy of your picture ID which is an official document, e.g. your passport or driving license which includes a photo, date of birth and expiry date

2. The scan copy of your credit card. Please note that the last four digits, expiry date and the name of the card holder have to be visible.  You may cover the first 12 digits on your card with any physical object.

Please note, that the pictures which were edited digitally will not be accepted. Moreover, the pictures should be full-sized and they should not be cut off.
They don't like the fact that I digitally edited the credit card photo. The same credit card that has nothing to do with this transaction. In fact, I have just deleted it from my PayPal account.

I just replied with another photo of my driver license. I did not include the credit card again because I. AM. NOT. PAYING. WITH. A. CREDIT. CARD!!!

OK, you got me. Ha-ha-ha. Had enough of a laugh yet? Can someone actually process this payment already, and give me a break?

Edit: I gave in and sent another email with a photo of my credit card, with the first 12 numbers of the credit card number, and the CCV code, covered. I left everything visible that they said I needed to ("...the last four digits, expiry date and the name of the card holder").
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/04/2014 09:40:19
But they processed that order after THAT, right?



Yet another reply:

Thank you for your request.

Please place a new order and we will accept it promptly.
So I did. Again. And ... IT WENT THROUGH!

Was this malice? I'm seriously asking. Someone having fun at my expense? Because I had the audacity to withhold my phone number?
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 11/04/2014 16:21:49
Wow. Seems like a case for Naming and Shaming in one of those consumer TV programs we have here in the Netherlands. One way or the other your account must have been flagged, but then the follow-up and communication is just standard and not tailored to your specific case, like we see too often with "customer service" that above all has to be cheap (but IMO is more expensive in the end because it generates many more contact moments instead of dealing with an issue well from the start). And why do they need a photo of your credit card when you pay via PayPal? That is PayPal's responsibility.

At least I can now congratulate you on finally having your registered copy of AMM/AWM. You have invested heavily in this program so put it to good use :D

If anyone actually cared about my privacy and security, I wouldn't have had my credit card numbers stolen countless times, and I would not have had to change email addresses so many times, including the unique one I used to use here in fact.
I know what you're saying. I remember my credit card being canceled because of such an issue about a week before I was going to the USA, and in the USA a credit card is a necessity. Last week I spent at least 4 hours to change all my passwords associated with one of my e-mail addresses, because my provider had informed me that it was on the famous list with 1.2 billion stolen e-mail addresses and passwords. However, because they do not tell you which site had been compromised I had to change all passwords associated with that e-mail address. Fortunately I never use the same password anywhere, so there was a little bit less urgency. But indeed, somebody else's negligence causes the loss of many hours for other people  :evil:
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 11/05/2014 00:07:16
I can't imagine why they flagged my transaction. And what was really stupid and annoying is that they kept demanding a phone number, and when I finally gave them one, they never used it, but rather started asking for other things.

I've been an Actual Tools customer for almost 11 years, and I've never had to deal with this nonsense.

As I alluded to earlier, on my home PC, AWM did not warn me that my license would be invalid if I took the upgrade. I know it's supposed to, but it absolutely did not. On my work laptop (which I also use AWM on, and yes this is allowed), I did get warned about the license expiration before upgrading (twice, actually). On the home PC, I have "check for updates ... once a day" and "let me decide" enabled. I didn't realize that "letting me decide" would eliminate all warnings that an upgrade would require a new license.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/05/2014 14:12:52
Thank you for your posts, Gentlemen!

Scott, I apologize for not answering earlier. Usually we are able to help with the payment issues like yours.

Which version were you upgrading from?

Best regards.

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