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Topic: «Win 10 issues with beta 2 , Problems I'm having with AWM & Win 10 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 13545
David Reese
Posts: 35
Joined: 01/21/2011
Posted: 08/19/2015 01:50:29
Using AWM 8.5b2 and Windows 10.

I am not able to use <ALT><TAB> to change to a program that isn't on the current monitor. When AMM isn't running, it works as expected, allowing me to choose from all programs.

This next one is more a question than a bug, but how do you keep all of the commands visible instead of collapsed in the corner?

Finally a suggestion. It would be nice to have the taskbar on the secondary monitor look like the Windows taskbar on the primary monitor.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 08/19/2015 13:58:38
Hello David,

Thanks for the feedback.

Using AWM 8.5b2
When AMM isn't running
Please clarify which of these products you are running (Actual Window Manager or Actual Multiple Monitors).

I am not able to use <ALT><TAB> to change to a program that isn't on the current monitor. When AMM isn't running, it works as expected, allowing me to choose from all programs.
Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the issue with AWM 8.5 beta 2. Are you unable to switch to a window that is placed in another display (not in a display with your mouse pointer) using Task Switcher (Alt+Tab) or windows from other displays are not visible in Task Switcher at all? Could you provide us some screenshots of Task Switcher with Actual Window Manager running and without?

This next one is more a question than a bug, but how do you keep all of the commands visible instead of collapsed in the corner?
Are you writing about our automatic gradual compact view for additional title buttons? If yes, the feature can't be disabled. Here is a short description of this feature:
now the buttons are getting hidden/shown 1-by-1 if there is not enough (or enough again) place in the title bar to show the full list of enabled extra buttons. When some buttons get hidden, the special Compact View button automatically appears on the left of remained buttons: click on this button will display the currently hidden buttons.

Finally a suggestion. It would be nice to have the taskbar on the secondary monitor look like the Windows taskbar on the primary monitor.
Please specify all distinctions between native and AWM's taskbars you have noticed (screenshots will be great as well).
David Reese
Posts: 35
Joined: 01/21/2011
Posted: 09/01/2015 23:46:52
Sorry, meant AWM running not AMM.

The task switcher only shows the programs on the primary monitor when AWM is running. Exiting AWM, the task switcher shows programs on both monitors and allows switching from one to the other monitor. Even when on the secondary monitor the only programs that show are on the primary monitor.

The automatic gradual compact view isn't gradual for me. The buttons that allow me to quickly move a program to another monitor never shows unless I click on the triangle button. I never had this with AMM, and it is annoying enough to consider switching to it even though it does less. I primarily want to be able to quickly and easily move windows from one monitor to the other. All the other stuff in AWM is nice to have, but not needed. I suppose I could just use the Windows command, but that requires re-training.

The task bar actually was being skinned via Start 10. It would be nice to be able to apply the skinning to both taskbars, but I did switch to Classic Shell to get a better hybrid start menu, so I can't even show you right now.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/04/2015 18:20:51
Hello David,

The task switcher only shows the programs on the primary monitor when AWM is running. Exiting AWM, the task switcher shows programs on both monitors and allows switching from one to the other monitor. Even when on the secondary monitor the only programs that show are on the primary monitor.
The problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix it and inform you about our results.

The automatic gradual compact view isn't gradual for me. The buttons that allow me to quickly move a program to another monitor never shows unless I click on the triangle button. I never had this with AMM, and it is annoying enough to consider switching to it even though it does less. I primarily want to be able to quickly and easily move windows from one monitor to the other. All the other stuff in AWM is nice to have, but not needed. I suppose I could just use the Windows command, but that requires re-training.
Please send us your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> Tools -> Configuration -> Send to Tech Support), attach a link to this thread and some screenshots (of normal and maximized windows) where gradual mode is always hide all additional title buttons.

The task bar actually was being skinned via Start 10. It would be nice to be able to apply the skinning to both taskbars, but I did switch to Classic Shell to get a better hybrid start menu, so I can't even show you right now.
We'll consider adding the Start10 compatibility and inform you when it will be implemented in our products.
David Reese
Posts: 35
Joined: 01/21/2011
Posted: 09/10/2015 03:05:40
Files sent.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/16/2015 12:21:40

You should disable the "Compact view" option (Actual Window Manager -> Window Settings -> Specific Settings -> Title Buttons tab -> Compact view) in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Specific Settings to solve the issue.
David Reese
Posts: 35
Joined: 01/21/2011
Posted: 09/16/2015 22:50:45

Thanks for the "update". I'm going to have to read the manual. aren't I?

I'm assuming the task switcher hasn't been fixed with the 8.5.2 update, but I do see it fixed the registration screen issue. Thanks, looking forward to getting my task switcher back.

I also have noticed that AWM causes some issues with Nuance Power PDF. The quick commands on the ribbon don't work unless I have AWM ignore the program.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/17/2015 11:18:02

I'm assuming the task switcher hasn't been fixed with the 8.5.2 update, but I do see it fixed the registration screen issue. Thanks, looking forward to getting my task switcher back.
The multi-monitor task switcher will be fixed in next updates.

I also have noticed that AWM causes some issues with Nuance Power PDF. The quick commands on the ribbon don't work unless I have AWM ignore the program.
Please specify your version of Nuance Power PDF.
David Reese
Posts: 35
Joined: 01/21/2011
Posted: 10/07/2015 06:00:39
1.2 just came out for Power PDF. I'll see how that works.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/15/2015 14:56:31
Hello, David

Are the issues with Nuance Power PDF still there in the actual version of AWM (8.6)?

If yes, could you specify what exactly quick commands don't work? Screenshots will be helpful.

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