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Topic: «AMM 5 screensaver problem , AMM 5 stuck in Windows bubble screensaver » on forum: Technical Support   Views: 5355
Peter De Ridder
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/05/2013
Posted: 01/05/2013 11:51:23
Since upgrading from AMM 4.x to 5.x (5.0.2 currently) my Windows screensaver doesn't work anymore.
I'm working with a HP Intel i5 platform, Win7 x64 and 2 monitors.
I want to keep my Windows screensaver settings, ie Google pictures, running across the 2 monitors.
However, after upgrading AMM the active Google screensaver setting in Windows properties has been replaced with "AMM screensaver".
In AMM the screensaver setting is set to "single screensaver over entire desktop" and type "none". Resulting in the wallpaper from the primary monitor getting stretched combined with the Windows bubble screensaver. (?) I am able to change all the setting to those that I want (Windows preferences = Google screensaver and AMM using the "Current Windows screensaver"), but after a reboot theses changes are lost.
I've tried uninstalling AMM5, uninstalling and also deleting the AMM %programfiles% folder and registry key's, without success.
With AMM 4 this was never a problem.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/14/2013 23:55:56
Hello Peter.

Could you try to run AMM version 5 with the clean configuration. Go to %appdata% > Actual Tools > Actual Multiple Monitors. Make a copy of the whole Actual Multiple Monitors folder as a backup if you don't want to completely lose your configuration and delete this folder. Then run AMM and check whether the problem still persists.

Best regards.

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